• If you were supposed to get an email from the forum but didn't (e.g. to verify your account for registration), email Wes at [email protected] or talk to me on Discord for help. Sometimes the server hits our limit of emails we can send per hour.
  • Get in our Discord chat! Discord.gg/stararmy
  • 📅 May and June 2024 are YE 46.4 in the RP.

It's ya boi


🦊 FM of Neshaten
🦾 FM of Nepleslia
🎖️ Game Master
I've been here since like 2017 so might as well at least give people an idea of who I am.

What do you call yourself? SirSkully for alliteration, but Skully is less cringe lmao

How'd you find Star Army? Club24 bonked me over to Ayenee and Ame/The Kaiyo II dragged me here

What interested you in joining? Needed another hobby

Ever done this text-based roleplaying thing before? Nah

Any previous experiences you want to share? NAH

Do you prefer:
  • Playing male, female, or other-gendered characters? Yes
  • Spontaneous or planned RP? Pseudo-planned I guess
  • Military or civilian characters? Both and everything in-between
  • Humans, androids, anthros, or aliens? Yes
  • Being on a starship or being on a planet? Yes
  • Roleplay via forum posts or in real-time? Forum, definitely not in real time lmao
On a scale of 1 to 3, what's your preferred level of these in your RP:
  • Language: poo poo head
  • Violence: I have no qualms with someone being gored, but 2 is generally easier for my smooth brain to explain
  • Sexuality: 👀
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