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Search results

  1. Syaoran

    RP: Yome Ismâopate Ancient Enemy

    La'tâ gave a soft nod in return. "Thank you." The Tula made her way to decontamination and got rid of the suit after making sure the samples were extra secure in case of leakage. It was a whole process, but it was an important one so she made sure to do it right. Once that was done she put in...
  2. Syaoran

    RP: Yome Ismâopate Ancient Enemy

    La'tâ nodded in return. "You should probably request an assistant if we have someone to spare. Just so you have someone to watch your back." After that she took a moment to collect everything and head for decontamination, she wanted to get the results quickly, but she wasn't going to rush so...
  3. Syaoran

    RP: Yome Ismâopate Ancient Enemy

    La'tâ froze for a moment at seeing the hand, that was beyond her expectations, and not in a good way. She approached however and opened a sample bag for the hand to be placed in so they would not have to touch it. "You're right, this should go in for more comprehensive testing." She sighed...
  4. Syaoran

    RP: Yome Ismâopate Ancient Enemy

    La'tâ frowned and could only nod in confirmation with Tigar "Yes, whoever did this has no honor." She snarled a little in anger as she tried to find where the substance seeped through the hull.
  5. Syaoran

    RP: Yome Ismâopate Ismâo Ryasou'temygo (The Search for Wraiths of Death)

    La'tâ could be found at the docks herself, the dark furred Tula there to assist in making sure loaded cargo gets to where it needs to be. Normally this would not be a duty for a wapoin'a like her, but after there last little run in, there was a need to make sure that there medical supplies were...
  6. Syaoran

    Approved Submission Mitsuya System (To Template)

    I trust you wouldn't say that unless they said you could. It's not exactly a competitive article anyway. so APRPOVED
  7. Syaoran

    Approved Submission Mitsuya System (To Template)

    Okay, small thing, then it just needs FM approval (@Wes ). I see Tthugornaigh and the XSS Perseverance do not have articles on the wiki. Can you make a note (the thing in (()) to just give like a sentence description of what they were, so people who weren't around when they happened can know...
  8. Syaoran

    RP: Yome Ismâopate Ancient Enemy

    Damira Rou'sa La'tâ looked over the results with a troubled and worried expression before looking back to Tigar "Well...I normally wouldn't say this with so little evidence...but there is a chance that this is them...or part of them." She let out a heavy sigh and then moved on to scanning the...
  9. Syaoran

    Approved Submission The Long Awaited - Ke-T10 "Fukuro" Multi-Role Shuttle

    So used to seeing prices at the bottom, one of these days I'm going to get used to these tables. Anyway gonna put this on a 3 day timer to give Wes time to yay or nay the weight, but otherwise everything is good. (gun too)
  10. Syaoran

    Approved Submission The Long Awaited - Ke-T10 "Fukuro" Multi-Role Shuttle

    Alright looking pretty good, just a few things The dimensions of the aft cabin should be given so people know how much space they're working with, especially for cargo configuration Under propulsion, the first sentence you said 'sunlight' instead of 'sublight'. I think we're adding prices now...
  11. Syaoran

    Approved Submission [SAOY] Shinobi Active Cloaking Suit + Parts

    I think when I was reviewing htis I was under the impression that it was a SAoY access only military item.
  12. Syaoran

    Approved Submission [Nepleslia] Lianjia Cultural Group

    The numbers, it's probably best to remove them, or figure out how to actually notate them in a way people know what they are at a glance. Most people don't actually know that kinda stuff so to them it'll just look like someone accidentally typed numbers.
  13. Syaoran

    Approved Submission [Nepleslia] Lianjia Cultural Group

    Alright this is going to need FM approval of course, but I'll go through eh things that need some fixing The "Cultural Highlights" section; you need to have text under the heading that isn't a bullet list, but that might also help with the grammar, the bullet list is written as if it's...
  14. Syaoran

    Approved Submission Application of Star Army Occupation Template: Ranger

    Yeah just got the heads up that we'll take care of this at a later date and we're just putting it into template now.
  15. Syaoran

    Approved Submission Application of Star Army Occupation Template: Ranger

    I think there needs to be some work done on the "playing" section. Right now it sounds like an advertisement for the role, that section is supposed to focus on giving a player the needed information to roleplay a character filling this role. It should be somewhat concise and able to convey the...
  16. Syaoran

    Implemented Submissions - Priority to what Star Army Needs

    I think Andrew is on the right track with this, but Alex brings up a pretty good point, however at the same time, we should actually be encouraging the people who are bad at writing non tech articles to write non-tech articles so they can expand their skill set, rather than just going "Well...
  17. Syaoran

    Approved Submission "Tachikaze" Point-Defense Cannons, Type 43 and "Yakaze" Series Anti-Starship Turrets, Type 43

    Okay some how I missed that line, not sure how. But alright thanks for the added line though. Well it's all good then APPROVED.
  18. Syaoran

    Approved Submission "Tachikaze" Point-Defense Cannons, Type 43 and "Yakaze" Series Anti-Starship Turrets, Type 43

    Okay I only see one thing that this article really needs to fix. I take it's an energy based weapon since it runs on energy, but there is no actual mention in the article of -what- it shoots. Plasma? Ion? Aether? Laser pulses?
  19. Syaoran

    Closed Put Some Basic Restrictions on What A Playable Character Can Be

    I want to chime in and say a few things quick because it's clear some people don't understand a few things. The reason these are being brought up as 'rules' is because if they are recommendations we can't by the site rules actually stop someone from making a character like this. In other words...
  20. Syaoran

    Approved Submission Tokyo Brewing Company

    Read it through didn't notice anything, so gonna give this the stamp of APPROVAL