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  • 📅 May and June 2024 are YE 46.4 in the RP.

Search results

  1. Primitive Polygon

    Approved Submission Updated the "Freespacer Character Creation" page to "Voidfolk" standards.

    The Freespacer character creation page has been totally renovated to refer to "Voidfolk" now; https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=guide:freespacers Did this for a couple of reasons, but mostly because I've noticed it is now next to impossible to recruit any new player characters, when they...
  2. Primitive Polygon

    All-In-One Industrial Strength Maid Service!

    ~~♪♪♪♪♪♪~~ Need a fast and efficient cleaning service, that can work on planetary AND space habitation? Tired of paying for both a dutiful house servant AND an experienced, handy mechanic? Does your party, wedding or funeral require a literally tireless crew of waiter-bots, to serve pristine...
  3. Primitive Polygon

    RP [Thunder Lizards] {JP#02} A Skronk Of Malice And Fury

    ((OOC; A very long JP with @Hollander !)) Late YE 45, Planet Dynatt (Galactic Northwest of UX-5) The sandblasted dunes of the Enfron plateau were a desolate place, coloured bone white beneath a leaden gray sky. Only small red shrubs marked the place as capable of sustaining any life, and the...
  4. Primitive Polygon

    Approved Character Tae Tsuguka

    A pilot cadet for @Yuuki 's YSS Yukika II plot. https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=characters:yamatai:tae_tsuguka Bit bare bones, but that was kind of intentional?... Let me know if anything needs changing.
  5. Primitive Polygon

    RP [Thunder Lizards] {JP#01} Creatures of the Sunless Sea

    ((JP with @Soban )) YE41, Hanako’s World Running battles backlit the dunes with shocks of flame under the distant starlight, muddying the eternally pristine beach landscape with the sight of crashed starships and burning palm trees. Three of the four Kuvexian auxiliary troop ships had been...
  6. Primitive Polygon

    Interest Check {Pirates} ~Return Of The Thunder Lizards~

    The giant serpents of Skorlemech answered to call of their Kuvexian masters, and engaged in a brutal war more than 100,000 light years away from home. It was the perfect chance for the newly uplifted dinosaurs to prove their worth, as more than just exotic pets and pit fighters. After all, what...
  7. Primitive Polygon

    Closed Amnesty for significant old Wiki WIPs?

    Whilst I understand the utility in removing bloat from the wiki, there are quite a few old 'WIP' articles from before the current standards were brought about. Some which might be considered niche, but are very fluff significant as well as historical/amusing. Could we perhaps establish some...
  8. Primitive Polygon

    Approved Submission (New Faction) YNNX / Yuukan Republic

    Main Faction WIP Article: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=wip:faction:yuukan_republic WIP "Nekosoldat" Faction Race Article: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=wip:species:nekosoldat_ynnx WIP "Caste System" Faction Article...
  9. Primitive Polygon

    Approved Character (Strays) Yamog

    WIP Link; https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=wip:characters:independent:yamog Intended Link; https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=characters:independent:yamog I have created a creature. @Charmaylarg Dufrain
  10. Primitive Polygon

    Approved Character [ISS Sobek] Gyrid Holgi Ygrmar Dyiad

    Howdy @Damaske . Just submitting this for approval now, since it will be awkward to dump on you later. Know you already seen it, just yeah. Lizard nurse. They exist. Officially and stuff.
  11. Primitive Polygon

    Approved Submission {Spacer} Tech Scum

    This is a submission to; A) Slightly formalize all of those Spacer criminals that keep appearing, B) Let people make Spacer crook characters themselves without bothering with a subfaction, C) Explain what the heck is going on with Freehold/Port Hope lately, with @Charmaylarg Dufrain 's...
  12. Primitive Polygon

    RP: Freespacers {Solo Story} The Bug Inside You

    The Bug Inside You Part One - Embedded -♫♫♫- T-33 thumbed the brick-sized compu-block they had assembled from scraps of old communicators, and watched the orange LED bulbs blink and flicker in the gloom of the escape capsules' rank claustrophobic shell. The tin can was wretched by the...
  13. Primitive Polygon

    RP {YNNX Precursor} -- Klastos --

    YE 41 -♫♫♫- Yuukan was a planet of wide open willowy plains, lush grass and temperate forests. From the pointed trees of the taiga to the silent bays and valleys, a rip-roar beyond light and sound cascaded outwards and split the bedrock with it's tremendous, pulverizing conflagration. Rolling...
  14. Primitive Polygon

    Approved Submission Silanbar (Species)

    This page has actually been sitting on the wiki unmodified for like 12 months, wouldn't you know it? Thought I should finally get the page approved, so they can be used beyond Sood Zadra, as a general freelance dumb alien thug enemy. History is tied at the hip to the Kuvexians, and they don't...
  15. Primitive Polygon

    Psionics (General Information Page)

    Discussed this with Wes already, apparently this doesn't exist. A page to define the exact qualities of psionic powers, who has them, and information on how the average character in the setting might perceive such things. There is also a (possibly incomplete?) list of factions who possess...
  16. Primitive Polygon

    Interest Check The Yuukan Republic: Tigers in the Mud.

    ~♫Theme Music: MS Igloo OST- A Moonless Night's Sortie♫~ More than a decade ago, the cataclysmic Second Mishhuvurthyar War nearly split Yamatai asunder. Menacing, tyrannical alien monsters attempted to create hell in real space, and cloned their own army of subjugated Nekovalkyrja to do it...
  17. Primitive Polygon

    RP [Open RP] Tales From The Pit

    Unaligned Space, Kikyo Grid Ref 1420, YE43 "Undertow" Star System Lights flickered in the cargo hold as the gravitational eddies increased, putting a strain on the retrofitted Courier 2B's durandium hull. The YSS Nocturne was supposed to be overkill against the local pirates of the claw nebula...
  18. Primitive Polygon

    Interest Check Tales of the Pit - Errant mutants and general bad company!

    In the shadow of the Claw Nebula to the Kikyo Sector's spinward north, there is a planet known only as The Pit... The air is breathable but the weather dense, and worst of all, there are intense electromagnetic spikes and gravitational eddies, that can twist any encroaching starship to pieces...
  19. Primitive Polygon

    Approved Character [YSS Amatsuotome] Iyaru, Rida

    WIP Character Page; https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=wip:character:iyaru_rida Final Link; https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=characters:yamatai:iyaru_rida Intended Plot; Fifth Maintenance & Support Unit, YSS Amatsuotome Okay! Let's go! @Kai
  20. Primitive Polygon

    Approved Character [Neshaten/Division 5] Yinri Arbavin

    Link here; https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=characters:yamatai:yinri_arbavin @SirSkully Just lemmie know if you need any more info, buckaroo. ;I