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SYNC A gift before departure - Taro to Fusako


SARPiverse Culture Dreamer
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FM of Tsenlan
🌸 FM of Yamatai
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RP Date
YE 44.7
To: Kinoshita Fusako, Ice Queen Sake @hyralt
From: Motoyoshi-Ieyasu Taro

I feel bad having to have used so many discouraging words during our last discussion. It is such a charged issue with my clan, and recent media releases suggest it is far from over and now it will become my son's job to deal with it. I have given Tetsuya your information and I trust he will do good work for you and your campaign. In the meantime, I've had a few things shipped to you;

1 x case of peaches from Ainu Orchards recent harvest
1 x cases of plums from Ainu Orchards recent harvest
1 x cases of Iga Bell Grapefruits from the Iga Fancy Fruit Emporium
2 x bottles of Motoyoshi Private Label anzushu YE 42

For that next brave vacation 4x 'All Inclusive' Storm Chasers - The Tempest Tickets.

Thank you for all your shipments of Ice Queen Sake, plenty more orders to come.
Good Luck with your Campaign

Signed Personally,
Motoyoshi-Ieyasu Taro
To: Motoyoshi-Ieyasu Taro
From: Kinoshita Fusako


Don't feel bad, as I appreciate your candidness. I am sure that you will have noted that your discouraging words, as you call them, did not dissuade me from my goal. Nevertheless, I have heeded them. I'm not sure exactly how I will act on this knowledge, but please be reassured that I remain steadfast in my intention to run an honourable campaign built on the premise of strengthening that which has made Her Majesty's Empire what it is today.

I consider myself privileged beyond belief to benefit from Tetsuya's experience. During my singular vacation, I toured the extent of Yamatai's territory and I was most impressed when I visited Jiyuu. My brother has a tea plantation there. Under other circumstances, I would have invited you to visit with me. Though my brother is far less traditional than I am, his tea is still of the highest quality. In return for your generous gifts, I have sent you a small selection. It is meagre and pales in comparison with what you sent me, but it was everything I had readily available. I'm sure that you'll find the kabusecha is without compare.

May you find what you are looking for,
To: Motoyoshi-Ieyasu Taro
From: Kinoshita Fusako

I am sorry to announce that I am ending my campaign. I am sorry for the dishonour that this has caused you, your family, your clan, and the Bellflower Party. But most of all I am sorry to have disappointed you. There is a much more appropriate way to serve the Empire and I was foolish to ever have thought otherwise.
