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SACN After-Action Report, Tami


Retired Staff
To: Star Army Logistics
CC: Star Army Command

This report compiles a categorical loss report of the major equipment lost during the retaking of the planet Tami, and the subsequent pacification and cleansing actions, which culminated in Tami being finally declared safe for civilians to return. It includes brief summaries on the numerous shortcomings of current equipment in general, as well as preliminary recommendations as to their replacements.

Starships, by type, Alphabetical:
Chiharu-Class, Four units lost, one heavily damaged
Hayai-class, Forty units lost, ten damaged
Heitan-Class, Two units lost, Two damaged
Irim-class, twenty units lost
Kyoto-class, Ten units lost
Nozomi-class, Forty-five units lost, Ten damaged
Plumeria-class, Forty units lost, Twenty Damaged
Super-Eikan-Class Five units lost, fourteen units damaged

Power armor Losses:
M6 Daisy, Eight thousand units lost or damaged beyond repair, Two thousand damaged but repairable.

Aerospace Vehicle losses, by type, Alphabetical:
Hayabusa, One thousand Lost or damaged beyond repair, Six Hundred damaged, repairable.
Ginga, Four hundred lost or damaged beyond repair, two hundred fifty damaged, repairable.
Kawarime Four hundred lost or damaged beyond repair, Two hundred damaged, Repairable.

Ground vehicle losses, by type, Alphabetical:
Akira-class, Ninety Five lost or damaged beyond repair, One Hundred damaged, Repairable.
ESTV, Four hundred lost or damaged beyond repair, two hundred damaged, Repairable.
STV-30h, Five hundred lost or damaged beyond repair, Two hundred damaged, repairable.
Tank, Type 31 'Troll' Two hundred lost or damaged beyond repair, Two hundred damaged, repairable.
Tankette, Type 30, Three hundred lost or damaged beyond repair, two hundred fifty damaged, Repairable.

Towed Weapon losses:
Artillery trailer, STV, Type 31, Two hundred fifty lost or damaged beyond repair, One hundred fifty damaged, Repairable.

Unlike previous ground engagements, the action on Tami was not the fast-strike and withdraw that our forces are most familiar with, or 'mop-up' operations which dealt with NMX forces which were left behind and stranded. Instead, it was a prolonged engagement against a well entrenched enemy that had planned to stay and fight. Due to this, several new issues have arisen.

During three months of action on Tami, attrition proved to be the most decisive factor in losses incurred during ground actions. However, the most costly losses occurred during the first days of the battle. NMX Orbital resistance was more severe than expected, and heavy losses were taken on the fleet before finally being subdued after two days of combat. However, this was not the end of losses for the fleet, as NMX had anti-orbital weaponry on Tami which took its toll as well for a further three weeks before the planet as a whole was finally taken by the ground troops.

For the first two days of combat, the Kyoto-Class Carriers in particular proved to be obsolete and inadequate for their given task, as evidenced by their losses spaced over the course of the first two days. Their inadequacies were further aggravated by the fact that support assets for their landings were made unavailable due to aggressive enemy fleet activity. Worse still, there were no alternate means of mass transport for the infantry onto the planet's surface, pressing these ships into the forefront of the landings. Though armed and capable of retaliating against attacks, they proved to be large, unwieldy and easy targets.

This necessitated the additional use of transports too small in capacity and protection to move the bulk of soldiers, resulting in several of these being shot down during their approach. The alternate method employed was the direct deployment of powered armor assets into the upper atmosphere so they may make planet-fall under their own power. This too, resulted in losses, as they were individually picked off - overall, this provided the most effective method in regards to losses and total number of units arriving on the surface, but had its own problems.

The power armors that made planet-fall successfully were able to proceed with their assignments, but only for 10 minutes of active combat, on average. This was due to the lack of a proper logistical foundation to make up for their munitions expenditures. Of particular note, the units armed with the standard Shoulder Fired 50mm Cannon, supplementing the standard Light Armored Service Rifle, have been found to be only capable of fighting with their most effective weapon for 5 minutes, maximum, and only if frugal with shot placements. Variants with the backpack extension, on average, could fight continuously with their 50mm cannons for 10 to 15 minutes. This poor operational time was further exacerbated when troops had to land under their own power, as they could only bring with them whatever they could carry through the reentry process.

During this very same time during the first two days of operation, the ground units overall had no orbital support, due to all assets being engaged in active, prolonged combat by NMX forces which sought not a decisive action, but a delayed and prolonged conflict. Only brief, sporadic orbital support fire could be provided as a result due to their constant harassing presence in space. What planetary based support fire assets were available, such as towed artillery and tanks, proved to be ineffective due to short lifespan, inadequate firepower or often both. These too, were also affected by ammunition and supply shortages.

Without a strong, robust logistical supply train, there was very little resupply of ammunition or other vital necessities needed for our planetary forces to continue operations. Power Armors were forced to fight without munitions for their most effective weapons, resorting to inbuilt energy weapons and further draining already short duration power packs. Meanwhile, their supporting assets had to be outright abandoned, with both branches scavenging for whatever could be found off of enemy forces.

During this relatively short duration of time of only two days, all offensive momentum was lost, and ground forces were focused on hour to hour, minute by minute survival. However, when orbital support was restored, an adequate supply chain was reestablished. This, coupled with orbital support fire and the resupply and recapture of vehicular support assets, allowed all offensive momentum to resume. However, this too was hampered by the supply chain being unable to defend itself, and relying on forces that would otherwise be used in offensive operations for the job - the Surface Terrain Vehicle and the crews of the vehicle in particular were both highly prone to losses.

Of particular note was that though our forces were able to thoroughly cleanse an area of NMX forces, the areas cleared did not stay cleaned. When Star Army forces moved on to the next zone or area for continued combat operations, the areas designated as 'clear' would be reoccupied by opposing forces to varying degrees. In most instances, these would consist of several minor units which would then attack and harass the logistics and supply train going through the area. In some rare and more serious cases, enemy forces would consist of more centrally controlled and organized NMX forces conducting a counterattack or raid.

In the end though, the 5th Fleet was able to thoroughly quash NMX resistance and eliminate all hostile forces within the planned time span, with the planetary ground campaign and major operations ending in one month. However, the planet was not deemed safe for habitation until three months had elapsed, and all low intensity conflicts had been dealt with. The overall campaign and following LICs were done with an unexpectedly high casualty and equipment loss rate.


- The current means of landing large quantities of troops and supplies is too big and slow a target despite being capable of returning fire
- Alternate means of landing infantry, supplies and other assets are too small in capacity or unprotected
- Weapons are unable to actively function for extended periods of time due to lack of ammunition capacity and/or supply
- Existing artillery and tanks are inadequate to provide surface based support to power armors assaulting fortified positions, or defending from enemy attacks
- Current supply chain moving loads from orbit to planetary surface is inconsistent during presence of enemy harassment due to vulnerability
- Supply vehicles used to distribute parts, food and munitions on the ground are incapable of adequately returning fire or fleeing and require dedicated escorts
- Insufficient troop quantities to maintain swept areas as 'clear'

Preliminary Recommendations:

- The procurement of the following ship types:
- A space and atmosphere capable gunship with the capacity to carry a full squad of power armors with a troop module or one large vehicle/armored cargo container with a heavy lift module
- A space and atmosphere capable heavy landing ship in the Heavy Cruiser class/tonnage to replace the Kyoto-class carrier

- The procurement of the following ground vehicle assets:
- A tank with more powerful armament(s) and countermeasure systems
- A highly mobile, self propelled gun platform capable of direct and indirect fire
- A better armed and armored combat vehicle capable of hauling a moderate amount of supplies or a small squad of power armor
- A fast, armored, and enclosed general purpose carrier or equipment hauling vehicle
- A fast, mobile anti-aircraft platform to intercept or shoot down fast moving harassing enemy units
- Additional Troops, Equipment and Supplies for planetary occupation

At this point in time, preparations have already been made to obtain provisional units to attempt and rectify the numerous problems discovered in field. Should the in-field trials be successful in testing their concepts and feasibility in combat conditions, more proper units can likely be obtained at a later date.


Taisho Whitmoor