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Abandoned Character [Bounty Hunter] Outamaka Eizan


🔰 New Member
Inactive Member
====== Outamaka Eizan ======
Outamaka Eizan is a [[guide:characters|player character]] played by [[user:brutelsack123]].

^ Outamaka Eizan ^^
| ||
^ Species & Gender: | Human Male |
^ Date of Birth: | YE 16 |
^ Organization: | Independent |
^ Occupation: | Bounty Hunter |
^ Rank: | Santo Hei |
^ Current Placement: | |

===Preferred Plots===
- Ascension
===== Physical Description =====
Outamaka is 5"10, Shoulders are wider than his his waist. He has white/asain skin color. He has human shaped ears and almond shaped eyes that are colored teal. He's about 205 lbs. He has a black stubble beard on his chin and he has small messy hair with one bang next to his left eye. He has little arm hairs in his armpit. He has a little bit of a deep tone, but his voice is soft. He has a chocolate scent to his body.

===== Personality =====
Outamaka wants nothing else but to kill the wrong doers of the galaxy. His only motivation is that when he kills a bounty, that's one less baddy out there. His goal in life is to kill every single last of the bounties so everyone could be safe. Outamaka is hard working and he has a habit of taking things too far. Outamaka has a controlled temper and very brave. His two friends are Haki and Leon Kaleo. Outamaka is social to a lot put smart enough to not talk to everyone. Outamaka learned to not love everyone and they like the type of people he can trust. His past relationships have been short and painful. Outamaka treats people with respect but doesn't sugar code it, he gets straight to the point

===== History =====
Outamaka Eizan was born in YE 16.

Outamaka was born at the capital of Yamatai, Kyoto. He served in the battle against the Kuvexians in YE 38. The war scarred him for life. He grew up in a dangerous neighborhood on the west side. His dad left him when he was 3 and his mom would verbally, physically, and sexually abuse him to the time he was 9.

==== Social Connections ====
Outamaka Eizan is connected to: His best friends are Haki and Leon Kaleon.

===== Inventory & Finance =====
Outamaka Eizan has the following items:

===== OOC Information =====

In the case [[user:brutelsack123]] becomes inactive:
* Can this character be used as an NPC by a GM or FM? YES
* Can this character be [[guide:Adoption|adopted]] after I am gone for a year? YES
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
What plot is this character intended for, if any?
I am also a little bit confused for which group this is marked for because it says Bounty Hunter/Independent but it also has Santo Hei (Star Army of Yamatai rank) and lists Ascension, which is an Elysian political plot. I understand that this might be a bit of template confusion going on.

But I think this is meant for the Bounty Hunter Series plot. So I will tag @Whitehart since he is the GM running that particular plot.

I think you have a good start for this character sheet and I have some suggestions to flesh out your character's history a little bit more.

Family Life
This sort of character history always makes me sad but I would rearrange the order of your history here. So it'd be more like:
Example said:
Outamaka Eizan was born in YE 16.

Outamaka was born at the capital of Yamatai, Kyoto. His dad left him when he was 3 and his mom would verbally, physically, and sexually abused him to the time he was 9. He grew up in a dangerous neighborhood on the west side. He served in the battle against the Kuvexians in YE 38. The war scarred him for life.

Yamatai is a fairly safe place to live. It really isn't that dangerous, especially in Kyoto where the military and the central government has a fairly strong presence. It gets a little bit rougher as you get further away from Kyoto. A location on Yamatai with a rougher sort of population might be more suited for this sort of history might be a place like Malifar.

What happened to Outamaka after he was 9? Did someone take him away from his mother? Did he run away? Did the Yamataian government take him in?

Now, if you go with Malifar, perhaps your character was motivated to enlist as a result of the Battle of Yamatai in YE 33 where most of the city's population was killed and the city decimated.

Military Service
If you want him to have served in the Star Army of Yamatai during the Kuvexian War in YE 38, he would have enlisted at the earliest in YE 36 at the age of 20. He would have at least a 3 year minimum contract with the Star Army of Yamatai before he could have left the service, which would mean he would have recently left service in YE 39 (current In character year that's ending). We're about to enter YE 40, so this would mean that your character is newly retired from the Star Army.
I’m going to give this a few more days before I move it to abandoned but if you wanted to continue this, I can always move it back. I am very interested in seeing you join us and we’re here to help you make this character happen. :)