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RP Celebration


Inactive Member
RP Date
RP Location
Reever, Xuno
The day starts out normal enough, wake up, do your routine, repeat. But as Elisys checks the calander, she notices that today was her birthday.

“Huh, I must have forgot about it.“ She shrugs “I guess that happens.”

She gets ready and heads out to do her job, not really expecting anything to happen.

Warrant Officer Mark Tazar had been doing some searching for this day. Having to track down items from across the sector was a pain in the ass, but he wanted to repay Elisys for her kindness. So he put a lot of effort into tracking things down and pulling some favors. Thankfully he got most of what he was trying to get, and packed them away in a small temperature controlled crate, the same he now carried under one arm as he saw her.

He gave a grin as he took a jog to catch up, "Private Amare! Wonderful day is it not? I hear you'll be deploying soon."

Elisys turns to him, “Yes, I’m going in about 5 days, what’s up?” She notices the box “And why are you carrying a box around?“

"Well.....", He said rubbing the back of his neck nervously, "It's actually for you. Happy birthday Elisys." He had actually used her first name for once, and not his drill sergeant tone either, a genuine smile on his face as he offered the box to her.

“A....Birthday gift, for me?” She said, eyes welling up with tears. She hugs him, careful not to make him drop the box he is currently holding.

“Thank you.... This my first gift I haven’t had to make for myself in... god knows when.” She says as she takes the gift.

“But I have to ask, why?“

"Despite the hell and shit i put you guys through in bootcamp, you've been kind to me. Even kinder beyond that, especially after what you said at the orientation. I want to repay some of the kindness back.", He said nervous, having clearly not had this kind of an emotional moment with anyone before.

Elisys looks close to tears at this point, wanting to hug him so badly. “Thank you... I.. I never expected anyone to repay me for something like this. I feel like I have already said this but, you have been the first person to celebrate my birthday, hell the earliest birthday I remember had me celebrating with just myself and a shitty cake.”

She sets the box down gently and hugs him once more “Thank you Dad!”

"I know how ya feel kiddo, and i'm happy i could make you happy on your birthday today. I know you'll do me proud out there.", Mark said accepting the hug. It was different, but not a bad different for once.

Elisys looks at one of the nearby clocks and notices the time. She let’s go of her mentor “Well, I hope I can see you soon Dad. And maybe I can help find you someone that can make you smile when I’m not here!” She picks up the box and waves goodbye. “I promise to make you proud and come visit when I get back!”

"I know you will. Just make back alive, i'll have a smile for ya when you get home from bringing victory.", He said to her with a smile before adding, "Also make sure to keep that case closed as much as possible. Don't want your chocolate to melt."

Elisys’s smile seemed to grow wider when he said chocolate. “Alright! A smile for victory and chocolates! Will do!” She gives him one last, big smile before she turns to get to where she needs to be.

Elisys keeps the box shut tigh, making sure it doesn’t open at an inopertune time.

Mark watched as she ran off to report to duty, "Stay golden Eli." he said quietly to himself.
