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RP [Kennewes] Conquest Revisited


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ON: Kennewes Orbit

Clark Thompson was not very pleased with the events taking place; while wars were generally good for the shipbuilding industry, the lingering Nepleslian fleet from the "green" side nearby made him somewhat nervous. He looked out at space for a moment, taking a sip of his drink, before returning his eyes to his lovely assistant, the ever-fresh Elysian blossom known as Abdyel. Perhaps it was the thought of her being injured that worried him so.

Abdyel was leaning over a nearby table, with datapad and notes out. Over the time they had been working together the skirts she wore started getting shorter and the shirts lower cut. "It is about time that we start looking at refit packages for the Conquest. I think we can improve upon the computer systems the easyest, changint the construction details will be a lot harder with the ships already built having been deployed." She said as she smoothed down her thigh length blue skirt.

Well, that was certainly something to cheer up about, Clark thought, looking down at Abby's bum for a second. "There is still the matter of a better main cannon, too," he pointed out. "That could be major in a short time..."

Just above her bum was a blue ribbion that tied together a series of ribbions that were attached to her skirt, pulling it tight against her body. "Yes, I was never to happy with the main cannon that we put on the Conquest. It seemed a bit outdated even when we started designing it. The machinery for the gun is using up a lot of space inside the ship that could be freed up for other things." Abby brought up the specs on the other weapons of the ship and looked them over, "I was thinking that we could improve the hitting power of the weapons we have on the ship by having the computer adjust its fireing pattern so that in a series of shots the first one will move slower than the rest. Get the entire series to hit the target area at the same time."

"That's a neat idea," Clark remarked, eyeing her bottom. Mmm. "Uh, there's also perhaps a possibility of trying to work out an aether shock cannon like some of the latest Nerimian and Star Army ships are using."

Abby looked over to the right, picking up some notes and turning back to face her datapad, causing her skirt to swish around with her bodymotion. "I think that is the way to go but I think we should focus on an accurate and fast aether weapon rather than one that just wipes everything out. Maybe we can tie in the aether discharge to the wormhole system to project the blast at a target faster than a typical beam?" Abby suggested, turning around to face Clark. She walked towards him and placed a datapad infront of him which was displaying what infromation they had on Aether weapons. Her wings fluttered a bit, rubbing up against the slits cut in the low cut white shirt which was pulled tight across her body by the ribbions tied up in a bow behind her.

"No, Aether would probably collapse any wormhole. I think we've focused too much on wormholes anyway." He took a seat in a nearby easychair and patted his lap suggestively, hoping to have her sit. "But I agree that fast firing cannons will be the most effective ones." His dressy black pants and white shirt complemented the smile on his face.

Abby looked down at his lap then turned around, her hands smoothing her skirt down and holding it against her legs as she sat down to keep it from riding up to much. With her small rear end now parked in his lap she turned to look at Clark and placed a hand on the table to keep her balance. "Well, I think we can back engeneer an aether weapon but I think the question is going to be how we can improve on the other designs?" Abby glanced back over at the datapad, turning away from Clark for the moment as she fluttered her wings in thought.

Clark squeeze her small, warm body against his broad chest with one arm, while the other rubbed the top of one of her thighs, just brushing the edge of the small skirt. "I think getting a hold of some of the newer Nerimian ships would be a major help in that. I'll ask the military higher-ups to see if they can bring samples to us. If this battle happens, we could get a great chance to do it."

"Eep!" Abby said, her wings quickly flaping as she was pressed against him, her face smileing at the same time. She looked at Clark and then asked, "How much Aether is needed to take out a starship?" More of her legs had been exposed from a skirt that was being brushed up her leg and her hands went to the bow just above her rear to adjust it so that her shirt wasn't pushing against her chest to tightly so that her bra lines were hidden behind the fabric. "We could try putting on an array of smaller aether beam weapons with independent tracking systems so that they can engage multiple ships with aether beams. If all that needs to be done is cover the ship with an aether release then making the burst any larger than the target is unessisary right?"

"Right," Clark nodded. "Many smaller weapons could be quite effective." He spotted her adjusting the bow, and couldn't help but think of unwrapping her like a gift box. Ah, such a sweet little Elysian. Nothing was more comforting than a willing, adorable woman! His own 'battleship' was trying to launch down below her; he smiled and tried to put his mind back on starships. "Firepower always trumps armor."

Abby shifted around in his lap as flat room to sit disapeared. "So should we mount an array of smaller aether weapons on the prow of the ship? Or perhaps in a turret on the underside were we couldhave more room rather than trying to squeese a bunch of weapons in a small space?"

"What about a gun deck of sorts? A strip that lines the sides, with some supplemental turrets top and bottom?"

"Well the turrets already installed on the ship will make it hard for us to put a straight line all the way around the ship and spacing them out around the entirety of the ship will prevent the ship from firing all the guns at the same target if needed but mounting them in such a way would allow the conquest to not have to move directly at its target for maximum firepower to be deployed which seems to be the main drawback of the Yamatai weapons." Abby throught for a moment before adding, "Although we could set up the equipment to allow the same cannon to fire from both sides of the ship so that no space is wasted on the inside... couldn't we?"

"Yeah...maybe we should be looking into a new class with rotating insides. Think of the money that could be saved."

"The costs from not having to instal artifical gravity alone would make the ship worthwhile." Abby said, leaning to the side and resting against Clark.

"I meant the weapons, but that works, too." His hand slid her skirt a bit further up her thighs.

"Well if we are going to have the weapons rotate we might as well use the rotation for artificial gravity right?" Abby asked as her skirt continued to be shortened, exposing more of the warm legs underneath.
