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RP: YSS Kaiyō Pre-Mission Three: It's Chemistry

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Mochi's smile grew and grew as Arb talked, she was just so adorable when she was flustered. "Destroyers, wow! I-I'm here because they needed an alien expert and I.. I sort of have a doctorate in it." He spoke slower than he normally would, trying not to trip up on himself and seem untactful. She seemed worn out from her literal flurry of words so he instinctively took her left hand in his right before he knew what was happening. The compulsion had crept up on him without warning and it was still growing in the back of his mind. What are you doing? Don't mess up, idiot! He felt like he was burning up, her hands were so soft and small in his.

"Uhm, y-you seemed uh..." he began to explain himself, then trailed off as his eyes met hers. They were like finely cut gemstones, one lapis lazuli and the other jade - both mesmerising and enticing. Holy.. Arbitrated's shining wings seemed to throw exotic colours across her body in the electric lights, making her almost sparkle. "Pretty? Well, it looks like we match, well -haha- half match. Uhm, your wings are very beautiful as well." Mochi breathed, he blushed and glanced away for a second, only a second, before returning to those captivating pools of brilliant blues and greens.

It was at this point Mat came over, causing Mochi to break eye contact and give Mat a 'give us a moment' face.
"So, you're a doctor? I didn't-" Briefly paused by the hand holding, she looked up at him again. With her mind slowly clearing again in the somewhat freshened air, she noticed that yes, they did have matching eyes! She started to shake less, as if the contact had weakened whatever spell of nerves had overcome her earlier. Some thoughts raced through her head, but she just kept staring into his oculars, pushing them aside... For now.

"T-thanks!" A brief session of blinking followed his compliment and comment, as well as her face blushing just a little more tomato-like than previously. "Um, uhh... Three-quarters match?" STUPID! You don't go around correcting your boyfriend! She didn't seem to specifically respond to the wing callout in a direct manner, but the way she changed colors and attempted to bury her face in Seinosuke's chest while suddenly embracing him gave a pretty clear explanation. She shifted her upper body a little, as well as disengaging, when they were interrupted. Her voice, not quite cold but noticeably less cheerful-sounding, implied she would like to be not bothered for the time. "She'll be fine without me, really."
Orion seemed to try to keep the distance from the lkor body.. and well.. everyone else, he just stood in a corner, nervously looking around, not really wanting to talk to anyone, SPECIFICALLY about the way they were all acting, which to be fair made him feel uncomfortable.
Medical Bay

Eden had been watching the antics bemusedly. Then, as if inspired by the lack of professionalism she and the others were showing, raised her arms in the air and closed her eyes, looking down.

She spoke while holding this pose, "I'm calling an end to the backups for today." She lowered her arms and raised her head, chin high and arms crossed, now. "It seems like this is more of a way for the crew to grow attached to one another rather than a very important, protocol-driven, and —above all else— medical procedure. Let's hope we can treat it as such tomorrow. Dismissed."

She nodded tersely to Saki, making eye contact with her and saying through telepathy, "The ship isn't going to be destroyed on our watch. There is no need for you to get a backup, my sweet. Let's return to the bridge."

"Boss, be sure everyone shows themselves out!" Eden nearly shouted as she left the med bay.
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