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RP Restarting The Soul Within

Jack Pine

Well-Known Member
RP Date
RP Location
Sirris VI - Obsidian City -------> Guardian Hospital
Tazar got up that morning to a buzzing from his phone, having just wanted to sleep his weekend away as usual with no one to meet, and nothing to do. But today was going to be different it seemed. Sitting up with a groan at being woken up early, he thumbed the lock screen before the message popped up on the screen.

You're late for your check up, get in here before I have your boss make you. -Aras

A hand ran down over his face before he rose from the bed after setting the device aside, and heading into the bathroom. Getting in a thorough, but quick shower, the Warrant Officer slipped into a change of clothes after toweling off. Dressed in boots, a t-shirt, jeans, and a hoodie jacket, he was stuffing his keys and phone into his pockets. Out the door he went and down to the parking garage, hopping into his Raven, the plasma engine of the sports car spooling on approach. Pulling out of the garage and onto the road, with a quick detour for breakfast at a drive thru, he didn't take long to get to the hospital.

Tossing the empty food bag and cup in the can as he passed through the door, he marched up to the front desk. "Tazar, here to see doctor Aras. I assume she's in if she's messaging me at....6 in the morning?" he said rather bluntly, though more to still being a tad groggy from the early start. At least she woke him at his standard service day time, keeping with the schedule and all that jazz. However the thought was set aside as the receptionist directed him to the usual room, telling him he was expected. "Yeah figured I was." he mumbled after walking away towards the elevators. With a short ride to the upper floors and a few turns through some halls, he found himself outside the usual office's door which he gave a light rap.
Aras was straightening out the various supplies in the room, making sure all tools and equipment were properly cleaned and placed, not quite knowing when they would be needed after all. She had sent a message to a patient, though knowing his track record, she had assumed it would take him a while to arrive. She was somewhat unpleasantly
surprised when her theory had been wrong however, and a few knocks at her door alerted her as such.
She called out in a slightly raised tone, walking over to the door after a few moments. She quickly opened it up, looking to the face of her patient with a faint smile on her own.
"Hello there! I honestly expected you to take a while to get here, but I guess you surpassed my expectations."

She soon took a few steps back from the door, motioning for the patient to walk in. The medical chair was ready, and clear to see from it, though it most likely wouldn't be incredibly necessary considering this was just a checkup, but it was still customary for the patient to sit in one. She waited patiently for Mark to enter, keeping the slight smile held on her face. She wasn't sad or anything, but she found holding expressions like that for too long could be somewhat tiring.
"Thanks, I guess? Kinda sounds like you were expecting me to procrastinate doc." Mark said with a raised eyebrow as he walked in. Taking a seat on the chair more out of the non-existent care to stand, he sat back and waited for her to start. Looking around, the office seemed same as usual despite the damage down downstairs. "Feels weird using the side lobby near the ER, those creeps really did a number on the front entrance and lobby though. Can smell the smoke smell all throughout the first floor I imagine." he said idly making conversation in the hopes of making things progress faster so he could get out of here already.

Of course he was referring to the reaper attack where all the councilmen and people of importance were attacked by assassins. In honesty, it still pissed him off pretty well, knowing they had gotten into the city without so much as an alarm. For whatever reason he blamed himself, despite nothing could have been done to prevent it, or having even as much known. It had to have been an inside job, and so many had paid the price. The people were happy it was over, but those in power still mourned and grieved.
"Well with you, I really couldn't know. I'm sorry."
Aras said with a slight shrug, moving towards one of the cabinets in order to begin grabbing some of the equipment that would be needed. She listened to Mark speak as she did this, mentioning the commotion that had happened in the hospital rather recently. Aras hadn't been in the office at the time of the raid, so she thankfully was not scared by it. She couldn't say the same for her peers that had to experience firsthand however.
"Yeah, I feel bad for all the patients and doctors that got caught in that."

After a moment she had the supplies completely ready, and wheeled them towards the medical chair on a small cart. She pushed it over towards Mark, but didn't pick up any of the tools quite yet, instead saving it for later. For now came the medical questions.
"Well before we get started, I have to ask you some questions."
She said, preparing a datapad in order to write down any notes required.
"So first of all, have you had any notable injuries I don't know about?"
Though usually she expected a no to this question, with this patient, she couldn't know.
"They were treated, but I received several gunshot wounds. On to the upper left shoulder, right thigh, and abdomen. All were treated with a nano injection, and healed. Other then that, minor lacerations here and there. All were taken during the attack recently. Nothing major to worry about doc." Mark said bored like as he glanced to the pad in her hand. He hated being studied, made the man feel like a lab rat, and void knew he'd been treated as similar value in the past. He looked away though as he spoke, not feeling like he was worth the time the doc forcibly spent on him. "Same scars for the most part......." Mark added, though seemed hesitant at first before continuing, "A few names added."
Aras nodded as bullet wounds were mentioned, marking them down onto the datapad with her cybernetic arm. As she prepared to ask the next question however, more scaring was mentioned, causing Aras to let out a slight sigh. Sure, she knew loosing people was hard, but the worst she had ever done is gone through medical school for the majority of her life, not quite scarring herself. Then again, hurting her body probably would have turned out worse anyways.
"You really need to find a more productive way to mark those down, like painting or something."
She didn't jump to simply telling him to stop, that would be a good way to just distance herself from her patient. Instead she just hinted at another solution. If he wanted to work on it, he would have to come forward himself after all. But there was still the rest of the checkup, so the questions must continue.
"Anyways, any new pains or odd feelings developing? Just got to check that wou haven't given yourself an infection or something."
"Productivity is not the point doc, but no I've taken care to sterilize all wounds and change any bandages as needed.......I heard you got department head, given the last was one of the recent casualties? Sorry if it's not okay bringing it up, I understand, just......I dunno, never mind." Mark answered as he felt they were the only way that could be preserved and protected, having grown to keep up and care for the lists almost religiously. The were all to him, blood pain in remembrance, not willing to forget any name. But wanting to get away from the touchy subject, he asked about the promotion, having heard through the higher ups of all the changes in office.
She just nodded her head slightly as she responded once more.
"You could at the very least try and find some way to do it without damaging your body. Getting a new one can be pretty expensive."
As her profession was also mentioned, she chuckled a slight bit before continuing.
"Yes, it is a shame that the last head died, but so far the job has mostly just meant more paperwork. I really haven't had any opportunities to be the 'Head of' anything."
As her second question was not directly answered, she just assumed that there hadn't been. She wasn't terribly worried about Mark's health anyways, he tended to be fine when he wasn't brought in on a stretcher or anything. Either way, she grabbed one of the pads from her small trey of tools, and turned towards Mark once more.
"Now, I'm going to be scanning your heart rate and breathing, so I need you to not freak out or anything. It'll mess with the readings."
This was mostly a joke, but it was also true nonetheless.
"I wouldn't care to lose it, though that would mean buying a new body was a bit late of an option already. The body can be replaced with modern technology nowadays, but the mind not so much I'm afraid."

"Also Doc, it's going to take a lot more then a scan to "freak me out" so to speak.......I've.....faced far worse things...." Mark said with a calm tone, though his gaze grew distant as the response from his own lips brought him back to one of the worst of said encounters. A frown came over his lips as he slowly came back to focus, "Trust me, there are worse things out there then mishuu. But let's get this done I guess."
Aras shrugged a bit at Mark's first response. It had been more of a joke on her part, but he was correct about the mind. His response about far worse things disconcerted her slightly further. She would have to be a touch more careful with her banter if that was enough to start slight tension; a mad patient usually didn't end well after all.
"Very well, let us get this done indeed."
Aras used the small device quickly, moving it over the various extremities of Mark, checking for what readings it gave off and marking them down. She checked heartrate, brain function, and several other more specific criteria. Thankfully, other then the scars of names all over his body, he seemed rather fine. This was a relief at the very least.
"Well, the readings check out, you are definitely not dead."
"I'm sadly aware of that one. Hey doc, you got anything for nightmares, like I keep awaking at night from them. Almost every other night at this rate, mostly memories. It's making me a bit more fatigued then usual, and I need to be alert for duty. I get incredibly bored on my days off with nothing to do, and I'm going to lose it if I get suspended from major service." Mark said rubbing his face afterwards, asking Aras if there was a treatment. He was still calm, but back to his usual tone, however the "lose it" part wasn't far from the truth.
Aras wasn't incredibly surprised by the revelation of nightmares, though it was a bit strange the patient mentioned it. Most people who suffered from that sort of thing kept it quiet for their own dignity, though she supposed it must be something of they were coming forward with it. She sighed while straining on how to word what would have to go down.
"Well, problems with the mind tend to be a bit harder to cure. The only thing I could prescribe to deal with nightmares like that is therapy. I can't force you into it of course, so you would have to decide if you're up for that sort of thing."
It wasn't a nice 'take this pill and your problems are gone' sort of solution, but medicine tended to be more difficult then that when it came down to it.
"Tell me about it doc, hard to fix when there's little left to even fix. As for therapy, anyone in mind then? I'm skeptical at how effective it will be, but at this point anything is worth a shot. Better then staring at a gun barrel that can't even go off........" he spoke idly as he thought of all the times he had stared down the barrel of his P2, even though he knew full well that the biometric safety prevented friendly fire. It was always expected disappointment, as he stuck the barrel to his temple of roof of the mouth. Some small part hoping it would glitch and the trigger actually worked.

"I'm running out of everything, including options, and it's getting to the point that I'm just walking shell. Everyday I'm not working, I sit at the park and watch the people, watch the lives that move on with brighter outlooks. I can't though, I've seen the worse, and there's no coming back from that so far. I just can't....I just can't live like this much longer." Mark added quietly, pulling out a locket, one that when he flipped it open held a picture of Elisys. "All the people I should have kept close in my life are either dead, or off far away living their own lives."
As Mark asked if she had any recommendations, Aras winced a slight bit. She certainly wasn't qualified for that sort of thing, and she was criminally unaware of her new peers. She would certainly have to check around after this and get back to him, but for now she had next to no idea. Not to mention the rather open mention of suicide was certainly a problem. Sure, she had no idea about the specifics of the military here, but she assumed mental instability was a reason for dismissal. She would try to keep it a secret though, as she felt Mark would likely not take dismissal very well.
"Well I don't know of many right off the bat, but I can certainly check through all of our medical professionals to search for one that would fit the criteria."

As Mark mentioned merely watching people out in the park on his free time, Aras did her best to try and write out the creeper flags that rose in her head, and instead tried to offer something more like a friend would. She said the only thing she could really think of in a situation like this. She had been in a somewhat similar position before she had adopted Abigail after all.
"Other then that, the only other thing I could suggest is to try and get close with people. You never know who could become a close friend, and spending time with one or more of those could probably help you a lot in my opinion."
"Trying hasn't seemed to work so far. Everyone I got close to died, or had to go somewhere else. I watch the people because I see lives I can't live. It's just not something that's an option for someone like me anymore. All I'm good for is another body in uniform until I die. I fear the same outcome for my daughter, she's in a far less hospitable nation. Trench warfare will break that girl one day, or worse claim another life I care for."

A locket was pulled from under his shirt collar with his tags, flicking it open to show Elisys. Out of all the neutral expressions he had shown so far, this one held pain as he knew she was in for much the same of what he had faced. "I'm sorry, I should probably go. We done here doc, or was there more?" he asked as he realized how disturbing he must sound.