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SACN [SAINT] All Active Assets Report


SAINT Director
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From: Office of the Director, Star Army Intelligence
To: Internal Investigations Service, Executive Intelligence Directorate
Bcc: SAINT.all.secure; Taisho Ketsurui Yui

1. All commands, squadrons, field stations, and operatives must report their current operational status before 1日2月YE40.

Authorized by: TAISHO NAKAIDE SHIDA, Director of Star Army Intelligence
14日9月YE39, 1545 Yamatai Time
Executive Intelligence Directorate, SAINT

Any SAINT character should feel free to check in here. That can be anything as small as a post saying "so and so here" and be as much as a full mission report if you'd like to do that. GMs can omnibus report their characters here if they'd like (I think this only applies to @raz and @Kim).

In the end, nobody is required to reply, though. This all-call exists so I can more easily identify active characters for inclusion on future updates of the SAINT page (making sure they're all alphabetical while considering Yamataigo and Trade names at the same time while organizing them in neat columns is already a bit of work and sifting through hundreds of character pages is a lot). I am actually of the opinion that PANTHEON handles this stuff automatically.

It's an opportunity for roleplay, too. This is a chance to send a message directly to the leader of SAINT. I know some of you have asked to be James Bond, and this is as close as I can get without making SAINT's command structure entirely meaningless fluff.

This post was made in the vein of Motoyoshi Misato's similar request a few years ago. Check it out for inspiration. @Wes has given approval as far as I have been told, and the plan was posted in the FM/GM forum sufficiently in advance.
From: Sugita Base
To: Internal Investigations Service, Executive Intelligence Directorate, Office of the Director, Star Army Intelligence

Sugita base is operational for forward deployed mission support of forces IVO Chen Nebula. Manning at 98% to reach 100% by 25日9月YE39, all SAINT personnel have reported in. Radiant Serpent to initiate contact by 18日9月YE39.

Taisa Akimoto Akira.
Sugita Base Commander, SAINT
16日9月YE39, 0326 Yamatai Time

From: Radiant Serpent
To: Internal Investigations Service, Executive Intelligence Directorate, Office of the Director, Star Army Intelligence

The assets have been assembled, briefed and will be executing mission as directed. Initiating contact with Sugita Base on 18日9月YE39 before proceeding as directed to mission area. Pre-established reporting procedures will be executed as instructed on the arranged schedule after contact with Sugita is completed.

Shosa Kitsune Hachimitsu
Radiant Serpent DIVO, SAINT
16日9月YE39, 0400 Yamatai Time

Here is the list of the named NPCs/PCs:
Sugita Base Commander is: Taisa Akimoto Akira (NPC)
Sugita base Executive Officer is: Chusa Nakajima Soujiro (NPC)
Emergent threat Branch OIC: Chusa Natsume Shigeari (NPC)
Radiant Serpent Mission Point of Contact, Lead Petty Officer (at branch): Ittô Heisho Shirata Maya (NPC)
ONI Capabilities Analytic Lead: Chui Innen Tsukiko (PC/NPC)
PACT Air/Navy Analytic lead: Taii Ise Nenene (PC)
Sugita base has 500 personnel.

Non-SAINT Personnel
  • Security Forces: 70 Ittô Hei, 10 Jôtô Hei, 10 Nitô Heisho, 5 Ittô Heisho, 5 Jôtô Heisho (5 Sections, 14/5/5/1/1 Distro) Lead by 1 Shoi
  • Air traffic control: 1 Jôtô Hei, 3 Nitô Heisho, 1 Ittô Heisho, 1 Jôtô Heisho, 2 Shoi Kohosei (2 shifts)
  • Caretakers: 28 Ittô Hei, 8 Jôtô Hei, 2 Nitô Heisho, 2 Ittô Heisho, 1 Jôtô Heisho and 1 Santô Juni
  • SAoY regular Medical: 9 Ittô Hei, 6 Jôtô Hei, 2 Nitô Heisho, 2 Ittô Heisho, 1 Jôtô Heisho, 2 Shoi, 3 Taii
  • Armory: 10: 8 Nitô Heisho, 1 Ittô Heisho, 1 Jôtô Heisho

Radiant Serpent Crew:
Chusa Kitsune Hachimitsu (NPC)
Shoi Mizuno Yoroko
Ittô Heisho Ohno Risako (NPC)
Nito Hei Katsuragi Suzaku
Santo Hei Alfonzo Diligenza
Santo Hei Emilio Cabal
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From: Santô Hei Effy Penihatolapsoa
To: Office of the Director, Star Army Intelligence

I have been posted aboard the YSS Aeon since my orders were received on 5日 5月 YE 39. The YSS Aeon’s current mission intent is to study the tactics and weaponry of the Kuvexian forces we encounter approximately 40 LY West of the Kikyo Sector’s Western edge.

Wormholes created by the Yome Ismâopate of the Poku Saeruo Degonjo are allowing the YSS Genshō and YSS Aeon to survey systems in between the Western Wastes and the Kikyō Sector. The use of CDD and Fold technology is too much of an indicator of our presence in enemy territory, namely deep Westerly space in Kuvexian territory, thus the usage of wormholes prevents early detection.

We will be operating in stealth in areas where we detect a Kuvexian presence and normally after sweeps show no enemy presence in the area. That is to say, we will be studying the systems regardless of an enemy presence.

I have made a Qaktoro contact, Potos Kehula, who is ranked as a Kasâvyjo and is a Bajao’ka Tinsae for the Yome Ismâopate. He allowed me to download the standard system specifications for their ships into my own device and I am forwarding that information in this letter.

Santô Hei Effy Penihatolapsoa
17日9月YE39, 0705 Yamatai Time
From: Jôtô Hei Hasewega Sara
To: Office of the Director, Star Army Intelligence

Still operating at peak performance after the YSS Kokatsu assignment.

Currently en-route to Skadi to participate in the invasion with the IX Legion with the objective of re-securing securing the colony after it was abandoned in YE 32. Will send any information I come across in the field from the YSS Shinigami to the analysts as the mission progresses.

Jôtô Hei Hasewega Sara
17日9月YE39, 1936 Yamatai Time
From: Chusa Yukari Freeman
To: Office of the Director, Star Army Intelligence

Operations undertaken from Domina-Shôshô continue as ordered. Reports on file with the office of the Shôshô.

— — —

From: Taisa Takomi Rin, associate director, SOLOMN Desk
To: Office of the Director, Star Army Intelligence

All subassignments and projects continue uninterrupted. Our last primary assignment remains a source of analysis.

We continue to monitor The Special.

— — —

From: Nito Heisho Hasegawa Yuna
To: Office of the Director, Star Army Intelligence

Awaiting next assignment.
From: Fleet Intelligence Executive, Yamataian Operational Military Intelligence
To: Office of the Director, Star Army Intelligence

Itto Hei Mikael Harris is currently assigned to YSS Kaiyo as the ship's intelligence advisor and analyst. Presently monitoring operative's suitability as a SAINT operative since re-discovery in Arzank.

Fleet Intelligence Executive, Yamataian Operational Military Intelligence
From: Candon Suites Ittô Heisho
To: Office of the Director, Star Army Intelligence

Greetings from 188-604 Director,

You might remember my conviction regarding the laughable notion of the Mishhuvurthyar faction, NMX, one day invading from this direction. I have found just that. At this time Oshiro Masumi Nitô Hei and myself have become indispensable to the security of the 604 system. I have used the Frontier Service Corporation to construct a large fleet of drones at their own expense and plan to use this corporation to expand my influence throughout the sector, however this campaign is going to incur severe financial hardships that will assuredly cripple the corporation.

I wish to request 100,000,000 KS for the war effort and to secure the company's future post war. I understand this is a large number, though I believe it would cost more for the SAoY to fight on two fronts which will surely happen should the NMX succeed. Even as I write this the NMX are doing what they do so well to local colonies that are incapable of mounting a defense which will cause their population to soar in only months.

Further, I am requesting emergency ration pills and the medical supplies needed to create Autonomous Medical Treatment Centers as the casualties are expected to be high and the colonists will assuredly need immediate medical attention and relief.

I realize that is a lot to ask, but if we do not strike now while we have the chance their numbers will increase exponentially within a few months. This might be our only shot at neutralizing the threat before the SAoY is forced to get involved and if successful the expanded influence of FSCorp will enable increased attacks on Kuvexian fleets sneaking through the area.

Signed: Candon Suites
14日21月YE39 , 0243 Yamatai Time
From: Santô Hei Yuu Sakaki
To: Office of the Director, Star Army Intelligence

I am still with the YSS Kōkatsu as we investigate further into the mysteries of the Kikyō Sector.


Santô Hei Yuu Sakaki
2日1月YE40, 1400 Yamatai Time
From: Ittô Juni Tsubei Kyoka
To: Office of the Director, Star Army Intelligence

I am carrying out the necessary steps in my current role in order to ascertain mission success. Excuse me for my brevity; time is not on my side in this hour. More to follow upon mission goals acquired.

Ittô Juni Tsubei Kyoka
2日1月YE40, 1402 Yamatai Time
From: Office of the Director of Covert Actions
To: Taisa Akimoto Akira, Commander, Sugita Base

1. The 252nd Special Operations Fighter Wing has been assigned to Sugita Base in support of Operation Radiant Serpent. It consists of six (6) Ke-v10 with Teisatsu-pattern retrofits plus pilots and support personnel.

Authorized by: SHOSHO MAEDA TATSUKO, Assistant Director for Covert Actions
6日1月YE40, 1513 Yamatai Time
Strategic Initiatives Network, SAINT

From: SAINT.auto.return
To: Shosa Kitsune Hachimitsu, Commander, Radiant Serpent

1. Receipt of your message has been acknowledged by PANTHEON and the clerk on duty.

2. This reply was automatically generated for Records Division because the recipient may not currently receive non-urgent communications.

16日9月YE39, 0401 Yamatai Time
Field Division, Strategic Initiatives Network, SAINT
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From: Taisho Nakaide Shida
To: Santô Hei Effy Penihatolapsoa


I'd like to extend the Empire's deepest gratitude for your service. The work performed by you and operatives like you, assigned to the fleet to fight alongside our Uchuugun comrades, is essential to the success of both the Star Army's mission and the Empire's survival. Thank you for carrying out your duties to defeat the Kuvexian menace to the most exemplary standard.

Beyond that, however, the Hidden Sun schematics you obtained during the course of your assignment to the YSS Aeon are beyond invaluable and will most certainly allow us to better assist our Poku friends in joint operations. An accolade has been marked on your service record.

The analysts at Operational Intelligence absolutely look forward to more of the same. As the Hidden Sun Clan are Yamataian allies, I advise against explicitly pursuing further information regarding their technology, but anything more your contact volunteers in the course of your relationship is most useful.

Nakaide Shida
Director, Star Army Intelligence

Authorized by: TAII CHIE YUZAWA, First Yeoman to the Director
6日1月YE40, 1600 Yamatai Time
Executive Intelligence Directorate, SAINT
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From: Office of the Director, Star Army Intelligence
To: Jôtô Hei Hasewega Sara
Cc: IX Legion, Shidan S1 (@Ethereal, @paladinrpg)

1. For your clandestine service with the YSS Kōkatsu, you are authorized to wear the Secret Ops Award or display an additional citation.


2. You are recommended for promotion to Nitô Heisho. Should your current command fail to concur with the promotion, you will be elevated to Nitô Heisho upon your next assignment to Star Army Intelligence and receive time credit in the rank for future considerations.


Authorized by: TAII CHIE YUZAWA, First Yeoman to the Director
6日1月YE40, 1734 Yamatai Time
Executive Intelligence Directorate, SAINT