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Inactive Member
Previously I have read that to have your own ship you must be an officer. Does this mean that I cannot have a small ship for just my character to fly around the planets in?
These days, any character can have a starship! But you want to think about...
  • Is your character a licensed pilot or do they have access to hire a pilot? (Note: There are also AI pilots)
  • Can your character afford to purchase or rent a starship (and presumably, the insurance and maintenance for it)?
  • Does the ship need crew?
  • Do you have the infrastructure to store the starship when you're not using it, if needed?
Basically, your character should probably be pretty wealthy. It's more expensive than a car or a house.
That would be up for questioning. You might be able to posses a small shuttle, Wim Herzog for example originaly had a ship before it was ret-conned out of existance. You would probably have to ask Wes or Yangfan, since they will likely make a decision based on your characters background.
These days, any character can have a starship! But you want to think about...
  • Is your character a licensed pilot or do they have access to hire a pilot? (Note: There are also AI pilots)
  • Can your character afford to purchase or rent a starship (and presumably, the insurance and maintenance for it)?
  • Does the ship need crew?
  • Do you have the infrastructure to store the starship when you're not using it, if needed?
Basically, your character should probably be pretty wealthy. It's more expensive than a car or a house.