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Approved Character Tanaka Sekiko... the first!

I'm Only Dancing

Inactive Member
Character Name: Tanaka Sekiko, though she goes by 'Seki' informally and 'Tanaka Chan' formally.

Species: Geshrin
Gender: Female
Age: 25
Creator/Parents: Tanaka Dake and Shimazu Yurika

Faction: Independent
Occupation: Politician (Emissary)
Rank: NA
Current Assignment: NA

Hair color and Style: Her hair is short and bobbed, of a glistening raven in color. She sometimes styles her hair in public appearances, though that is rare. And public appearances are rarer. Despite a usual lack of stylization, Sekiko most often wears an electrum hairclip on the back of her head.
Build and Skin Color: A small creature, Sekiko stands at 1.5 meters even and weighs a mere 40 kilograms. She has few distinguishable curves due to a relative lack of 'presence'. Her skin is a pale, silvery olive in tone.
Face and Eye Color: Deep pools of saddened obsidian mark her face, a pristine, though somehow rodentlike, sculpture framed by raven tresses. Though she often hides it, her visage radiates a deep-rooted sorrow which she has revealed to few people.
Distinguishing Features: Little sets Sekiko apart from the norm. An electrum hairclib set with three jadestones is the most distinguishing thing - as she wears that at all times.

Personality: Sekiko is generally a very compassionate person, and can be disturbingly perceptive. However, she is usually very quiet, preferring to speak only when it is necessary. She is slow to make friendships, though equally slow to break them, and rarely holds a grudge. However, should you manage to enrage her, you can expect to be followed until someone finds their grave. She has a definite distaste for both Nekos and Seraphs, though has not allowed it to become hate.

Likes: Peace, quiet, ikebana, beauty, running water, painting
Dislikes: Nekos and Serpahs, bloodshed, unnecessary disturbances, cities
Goals: To bring about peace throughout known space - particularly to help end the blood-grudges which stand between the YSA and the Elysians.

Class: Diplomat
6 Language: Geshrin
5 Language: Japanese
5 Computer Operation
7 Politics (Class and Occupation)
5 Law
5 Math: Basic
7 Persuasion (Class and Occupation)
5 Public Speaking
5 Martial Art: Tomiki Aikido
5 Singing
5 Painting

History: Tanaka Dake and Shimazu Yurika - the parents of two children named Sekiko. One, a child of notable musical talent who's inability to accept reality led to a damaging mental repression. The other rejected for her fascination with the politik of the wars and the structure of society. Such things were of little use on a merchanter ship.

Sekiko lived her early life as her younger sister later would - listening in on the conversations of her parents (which aided in her proficiency with the Japanese language) and wasting away in the halls of a merchanter ship - painting, singing, reading. However, she found something else in listening to these conversations. A fascination with politics and the elaborate system which governed planetbound life.

When Sekiko was 8, and her sister was born, she was sold, essentially as a slave, to a group of Nepleslians. Though she was sold to be a slave, she was not treated as one. Her purchasers had simply wanted someone to send into the outside world to talk for them and secure supplies for them, as they themselves were outcast for unnamed crimes. Or, so they said.

They left her unmolested.... for eight years or so, at which point, beyond her normal tasks in society, she was used as a sexual toy for much of the next four years. She didn't like it, though she had no viable escape option - from the point at which this molestation began, she was never allowed off alone.

Here, with the Nepleslians, Sekiko learned the greatest parts of her education. The Nepleslians taught her about law and order, about political sciences, trained her in the basic use of computers, and taught her highly efficient techniques for nonlethal self defense. Perhaps it was a way of appologizing for their abuse.

Years would pass in much the same way, with Sekiko being sent into the city to buy food and electronics for them. It was on one such expedition that she came to her current position amongst a group of revolutionaries... and found her perfect opportunity to escape.

A man in the street, speaking to people about the corruption of the political system.

His name was Ryoshi Mikawa, and upon meeting him, she never once looked back. She now acts as secondary commander to Ryoshi in a party of some twenty rebels, though she opposes many of the violent methods they employ in their quest to change reality.

Inventory: Several paintbrushes and acryllic paints, clothing, a small communications radio, and her hairpin.