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RP: 188604 Yet Another Visit




A sleek and silvery Type 30 Space Yacht descended from the sky above188604 as inertial dampers were slowed and turned off and landing gear, extended. The high speed diplomatic transport ship had just come from the crowded airspace of 188604 and landed with a tremor on the Osman City Starport.

The spaceport itself was very large, and very flat... really just desert that had been paved over for miles in every direction. There were other ships nearby, drones that were landing or moving cargo, but really the only important one was the small freighter, the Queen's Slave, that was landing right beside the Type 30.

"Welcome Ashore!"

The text was displayed out in the sky, along with a sky-spanning fireworks display that was being projected in the atmosphere by C-Series drones in orbit, creating horizon to horizon displays of light as Uso walked down the ramp of her ship.

A guard of two Yamataians came from the exit of the Space Yacht and their heads tilted up to see the spectacle before them until the woman they were there to protect's shadow cast itself on the ground between them and the ramp of the Queen's Slave. The woman stepped out further and her silvery hair was caught in the light of 188604's bright light and, soon, she was in full view of Uso and began walking towards the adventurer extraordinaire.

The Elven woman coming from the Type 30 moved her head slightly to take in the sights of the city in turmoil and the excitement Uso was exuding with her further displays. Once she had reached the green-haired and bright, lavender-eyed Nekovalkyrja, she bowed solemnly and raised her torso back up, then spoke.

"Your world is beautiful," she said and continued, "I am Sachiko, Conclave Member of Xiuluria. Thank you for meeting with me."

"Glad you like it, would you believe I just found it laying around out here?" Uso laughed, quickly moving on to her next and far more important port of, "So why are you here? Lots of people are suddenly taking an intrest in this place. I'm sure you've got more than just a social call going on."

"You are as wise are your years," Sachiko told Uso as she moved to stand closer to Uso, as if walking towards the Queen's Slave and away from view of the heavily populated skies. Her blah blah dress was blah. She spoke out quickly, as if to get her point across without taking Tasuki Uso's time.

"I have come to understand from Nepleslia that you are looking for aid for your planet," the dipomat said, tilting her head to look at Uso with her shining, pastel eyes. Red beads on her hair ornament were strung together with a black webbing around her gray-haired bun and they caught the light.

"Aid implies we're in trouble, We're really looking to transact, to build up the organizations that reside here." Uso said, walking over to Sachiko, and looking to get an arm around her so they could both look at the skyline of Osman city.

"That used to be just wooden buildings and people trying not to get killed by all the dirt in the air. Now we've got towers, factories, space stations...all in less than a year or so. and we want to keep up a sustainable growth rate."

"Would you be interested in establishing protected space lanes for such organizations to have reasonable cause to trust doing business here," she said to Uso.

"Yeah, but I never really got space lanes... I mean, trade agreements or whatever sure, but soace lanes... I mean you can just jump from point A to point B without going through the intermediate area. All that really matters is having ships at the destination so people don't jump you there."

Uso paused for a moment, "Which we totally do, working space traffic control and everything."

"Having your destinations protected by entities means that they may ask that when doing that for you, your destinations are within their control," Sachiko answered. "But it sounds like you already do that for yourselves."

"It's a pretty loose agreement, I pretty much let people do what they want to do. So far it hasn't been a problem. Things run pretty smoothly... course I can't field as many ships as Yamatai but... " Uso realized she didn't really have a but there. "I suppose that isn't important. What I can offer you are solutions... solutions to problems.

So what are your problems anyhow?"

Sachiko smiled and looked wistfully at Uso, "I have solutions to my own problems, as well. What I aim for is to hold the problems of Yamatai and its allies on my shoulders, though. When that happens, will you be receptive to hearing the problems they face?"

"Sure," Uso said.

Sachiko was then happy to return the friendly gesture of putting her arm near Uso's back and then up and around to grip her shoulder, saying, "Thank you," as she looked out over Osman City. "What do you prefer your planet to be called?"

"We've named it a few times, 'Usotza', 'Ragna-World', 'Camur', 'Alecks'... 188-604 if you want to be offical. The name of the thing hardly seems important." Uso replied.

"I'd like you to have whatever you want, but officializing a name that separates you from everyone else out there may help your in the future," Sachiko said to Uso. "Usotza is my favorite, by far."

"It is a catchy name," She replied, "But you probably need more than a name right? Yamatai has built itself on not needing anything from anybody. Which means there might not be a whole lot here for me to offer you."

"It could be beneficial to know the specifics of what you can do so I may know what I will do," Sachiko said.

"Sounds like we're just passing the ball band forth. So lets cut to the chase. Frankly Yamatai and Nepleslia can fuck right off, this is one planet and I'm not interested in getting sucked into their gravity wells if you know what I mean. We involve either of them too much and we're going to find outselves in the same position as any number of vassal states that can't quite get it up without a hand from Yui.

Then again, its not like I'm gonna turn down something that will help me. We've got an abundance of raw materials to sell... or we will shortly... and our fighter-program is second to none. Yami included. Exporting the U1 and the included weapon systems is a pretty decent priority."

“So,” Sachiko said while she tilted her head to look at the Nekovalkyrja close to her and continued, “there is not the option of Yamatai absorbing your nation that you are building. My thoughts are never as important as those of others, though, I have found."

"I wondered what your thoughts on this would be. Recognizing what you have built as something capable and strong in its own right is not hard to do. Not only that, it is beneficial to all. Importing your creations would first be started with a trade agreement, which is, also, beneficial to all," the Elf said as she brought her hands down to below the center of her dress, where the fabric was brought together in a layered, gem stone point.

"So lets start with the agreement then, Is Yamatai looking to buy?" Uso asked, "Or are you just opening up your markets for me to sell to... you know, whomever?"

"The entities of Yamatai that can be willing to buy are ones that would like for me to speak with them about such a thing, even in the future. Right now I can tell you that in the future I would be happy to start a formal relationship with such an agreement, if given the opportunity."

"Are we just going to be using pronouns here? Or do you want to get into actual details?" Uso asked.

"Promises are something I can make only while knowing actual details. You say you have a lot to give so sell to whomever but the markets aren't open to you without the agreements in place. To have proper agreements to know you can do that would be singular in importance."

"Raw materials and technology. In exchange for currency and reciprocal technolgy sharing agreements." Uso explained, slowly.

"Currency is something that interests me, but you may need to lay out plans that you may have. As I've said, my opinion matters very little when compared to those that I strive to better the lives of," Sachiko told the woman. "What are the specifics of such a plan to be proposed?"

"We've got proteins, and base metals in large quantities. Simple currency for material agreement. The Technology Sharing thing is a bit more complex but not by much. Participants agree to share whatever technology they are designing for their fighter in exchange for access to the technologies the other parties bring to the table." Uso explained.

"That," Sachiko said, "will come in time. Trade agreements will be something I now understand you want as well as technology exchange. What value does your currency hold to the KS?"

"We're working on that. Negotiations are being conducted on exactly how that will go. Right now we're using a cryptocurrency pegged to the Nepleslian Dollar." Uso explained, leaving out that those negotiations appeared to mostly involve street riots.

Sachiko's eyes drifted from the city with said riotous streets and asked as she looked at Uso, "Would you like that cryptocurrency to have more value more places?"

"Yeah, what are you proposing exactly? Bringing our payment systems to Yamatai?" Uso asked.

"Within an Empire that is so accepting of others, why wouldn't they allow your payment system to be used within its borders?" Sachiko asked.

"Yamatai never struck me as the kind of people that are really into the whole payment system thing. I'm older than the KS you know." She replied.

Sachiko smiled at the prideful comment, not out of judgement, but out of comraderie, "I have come to understand you are. Where do you see yourself fitting into the payment system they have now?"

"Mostly just taking a nice profit off the expanded use of the payment systems. No need for me to be super involved... open source it, put it out there, let the value build..." Uso replied.

Suddenly there was noise of a pipebomb going off several hundred meters away, followed by the sound of subsequent explosions and bullet fire.

"I must go," Sachiko said in an almost whisper and then was sequestered away by her guards. Soon, the Yacht was in the air and a good distance away from the fight, back in Yamataian space.