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RP: YSS Artemis [YSS Artemis] [Side Story] Set & Snek

Jack Pine

Well-Known Member
RP Date
Pre Mission 1
RP Location
Nataria - Ghost Star Fortress [NK-X1-02] - Docking Bay One YSS Artemis
Sacre stood outside of Setsuya's cabin. While in theory, the chain of command was clear, she would be charge of the first squad and the field medic. In practice, things could be murkyer for any one of several reasons. Recently being awarded the Order of the Blazing Sun was only one of them. Even if she didn't wear it with her duty uniform, she had felt the eyes of everyone on her as she passed. She knew the feeling well, she had been amoung the first Separa'Shan to join the Army. Even now, after many had joined to help defend their homeworld, Separa'Shan were unusual. Even amoung Seapra'Shan her scars and height made her unusual. However, there were even more eyes on her now. She missed the comforting weight of Vera on her chest. Kusanagi, the replacement that she had gotten, weighed ever so subtly diffrently. Sacre wanted to ask Aten to let Setsuya know that she was here, but Aten had their own matters to take care of. She pressed the chime gently.

A very feint grumpling could be heard somewhere inside the room before a muffled reply came, "Just a minute!". It got quiet save for the rustle of maybe fabric, perhaps the neko needing to change, so that they were decent to answer the door. After a small delay, the door opened to reveal Setsuya in her uniform, "Hello Heisho, was there something I could help you with? Oh, also please feel free to enter, as it's just me currently, as Mr. Arturius is over seeing the loading of Ranger supplies."

"Offically, I'm here to report in." Sacre said formally, then she seemed to relax a bit. "Unoffically, I was wondering if you wanted to get some drinks on the station together before we get crammed into the chicken coop together."

The neko seemed a little surprised by the request, but it was a welcome one. "Yes, I could use a break, and drinks sound nice about now. I'm Setsuya Itatski by the way, I believe you are Sacre Sanssinia, who was mentioned would be joining the team.", she said while offering a hand in greeting, the neko seeming polite and particularly kind.

Sacre grabbed Setsuya's hand very delibrately, wrapping the hand in hers and very definately leading the shake. It was a quick affair, done almost before Setsuya had realized it had started. "Indeed, I am Sacre Sanssinia. It will be intresting to see how they work together. From what I saw of the profiles, their mostly not kittens. I served with a couple of them, Kiki, Klaus, Elenor. Klaus will be with us, and he's a quality soldier, despite his baffiling enjoyment of cold places. Is there anywhere on the station that you like in particular?"

"Yes, we've gotten a few veterans pulled into this project, including not one, but two exchange soldiers. A Mr. Berthane from Nepleslia, and a Mr. Pine from the New Dusk Conclave. A recent additon to Yamatai's allies, and I sadly have only been to the main mess, as I've been rather cooped up in the ship preparing for our departure date.", Setsuya said seemingly having no reaction to what she felt was just a attempt to show dominance, which if true. Well, she quite frankly didn't care for such things, and wasn't one to get baited into such contests. Her calculative side saw it as a minor red flag, but one that was ignorable for now anyways. "If you would please grant me a moment, I can fully ready myself to depart the ship, as I wasn't expecting to leave the room, so dressing was a bit of a rush sorry.", she apologized kindly while waiting to see if the separa would let go of her hand some time today.

"Certainly, there's a place near here that I visted last time the Kaiyo was here. Old Black Lion pub. It's run by this Kodian." Sacre suggested as she waited.

As the door was closed for privacy, the neko was quick to finish readying, her very organized side of the room meaning everything was easy to locate. Honestly, she wasn't missing much, just a few things to complete her uniform....and everything missing underneath it. "That sounds rather interesting indeed, as I understand pubs generally also have a nice food menu too. Don't think I've ever met a Kodian though, not to say I don't know of them.", Setsuya said continuing the conversation from inside the room as she finished. A few moments later, the door slid open again, her uniform nice, neat, and immaculet in code and appearance.

"I'm sorry for the wait, but I'm ready to go now. I'll follow your lead there."

"Kodians are rarer then Separa'Shan, even though they have more people, so I'm not suprised. They have their own internal issues to deal with, but a few join the army every year. I trained with a few Kodians when I joined up." Sacre mentioned as the two of them left the Artemis for the Old Black Lion.

"Earlier, you mentioned three specific transfer personnel. I know of Miss Lekas, and Miss Herric by second hand. Though I must admit, I know Mister Kurogane on a much more personal account. Mister Oaklen fondly talked about his sister Miss Lekas before Mister Arturius and I transferred here from Shiroyama star fortress. He's a heisho there taking over Arturius's position as Ranger SNCO. And likewise, I have heard rather fond accounts from Mr. Arturius on Miss Herric, as it seems they have been dating since before her posting on the Kaiyo.", somewhat confessed as they walked, traversing the umbilical for the ship into the docks, then towards the heart of the station. Concourse and the central terminals were clearly heard as they drew near on this very active station.

"You know Mark? We served together for a while on the Kaiyo. Bit of a overeager lemming, but my overeager lemming. Good to hear he's doing well." Sacre and Setsuya entered the Old Black Lion, there was a Kodian the a black coat serving drinks at the bar. Sacre headed for a corner booth where they could have some privacy. Her flexible tail went under the table, wrapping and winding around it's self to give the illusion that Sacre was sitting at the table.

"Depends on which one you mean really. As I understand, you've worked with both before. The one on shiro is doing well despite his separation from family, however the one running a nation is in a rather different and worse predicament. He recently suffered the death of several loved ones in a mass assassination attempt on the NDC leadership months ago. His wife, and oldest nephew were murdered. Several others in his family, or close friends he worked with, were hospitalized with major injuries. On top of all that, they still have had no leads on who the attacking party even was." The neko admitted after settling in, making sure to keep her skirt under her rear as she sat down. Idly taking a small drink menu that was sitting on the table, she began to browse it before continuing. "Had to pay for some property repairs after that event, my apartment and my mother's suffered damage in the fighting. Thankfully, there weren't very man civilian casualties, with most just being injuries. But I don't want to make the whole conversation a downer on the first meeting. I guess we can talk about Klaus instead if you want? I kinda want to hear more from one of his friends."

Sacre nodded, she really needed to pay more attention to what was happening on the larger scale, but the tailpack intelligance training and fighting the Kuvexians had been taking up most of her attention. "I wouldn't describe us as friends, but we served together on the Kaiyo. He can be a bit awkward, but he knows his stuff. First time we met, he thought he didn't deserve an extra stripe he had, so I told him to not let me down and he hasn't. A good over eager lemming."

The neko nodded as the separa finished telling Setsuya how they knew one another, and what the separa thought of him. "I met him on beach day while on leave, and spending time with my daughter Sachi. He seemed very kind on first meeting, and he was nice to my daughter, the two getting along well. Later that night after talking for a while, he took me out to dinner, and things picked up from there.", Setsuya said with a fond smile as she remembered that night, "I was surprised to see his name on my roster, but also rather elated as well. He hasn't arrived yet, but I would be short selling my feelings, if I said I was simply excited."

"Seems like after leaving standby duty on yamatai for almost a year and a half, then getting lucky enough to be assigned to the Eucharis. Well let's just say I've been through a lot, and I seemed to have a knack for getting pulled into crazy situation. Invasions, diplomatic meetings, defense postings, and now this mission. With how the military tries to run me ragged, he's one of the few normal contsants I've seemed to be granted outside my parents, daughter, and sisters."

"Everyone seems to be in crazy situations right now with the war on. They pulled me away from my girlfriend, put me on a ship that crashed on a enemy planet, going to a rather intresting training, and then here." Sacre said, leaving out the part where she had earned the highest combat valor medal in the empire. She took a sip of her drink. "All I can say is that don't tell him I think he's a good soldier and I'm actually glad he's on my team. Don't want him to get a swollen head, might not fit in the helmet."

"Don't worry, I always tell him he's a corny dork, and sigh at every poor joke, but I've grown to love those things about him. He may be a dork, but he's my dork, and I plan to hold onto him.", Setsuya said with a smile and a small giggle, "Thank you again for telling me more. Though, I also wanted to know if you knew anything about our new exchange officer, given how we both know his brother Mark?"

"Very little, although I'm getting the feeling he's... going through the same process a lot of Nekos do. Being mopey about being designed for war that they never asked to be in and not really having an identity outside of that. It's not my job to tell him to see a shrink, but he's probably going to need one. He'll be a good soldier, but he's not just a soldier, he's one of our NCOs." Sacre said.

"So in other words, someone to keep an eye on and monitor when possible. Perhaps there will be suitable candidates among the others who can help change that perhaps? It might sound cliche, but perhaps some bonding and making a few friends will help him. People to help stimulate his growth out of such a state, and show him to be him, more then what he was made for. Otherwise, a shrink would only be able to be seen every six months, or more, given the particular kind of operations this ship has been put together for.", Setsuya answered almost clinically, a bit of her more calculative side showing as she ran a few thought process for possible solutions. Her brow furrowed slightly in thought, her demeanor taking a bit more of a neutral aspect as she gave it more thought for a moment longer. All of it disappearing to go right back to the cheery exterior as before, she turned to the separa once more, "Just things that have to be considered I guess, but we'll cross that road when we get there. On the other hand, he certainly has an exceptional record, even for a royal."

"I've noticed that the Royalty of the NDC tend to be fairly exceptional, even their lesser members. Our own princess on the Kaiyo, just stayed in her cabin most of the time. I don't feel like she really knew anyone on the ship other then her own servants. I think what makes it worse is that she's our princess, but she's also an officer. Not once in the entire time we were together, did I think of her as someone I would want to take orders from. I don't know what the rest of the royal family is like, but if their like her, I think I prefer the NDC's royalty, at least I know they typically have my back in a firefight." Sacre explained.

"I can agree with that, they seem respectable, and at least they don't force their people to enlist like yamatai....even if that's what my kind was made for. I know that doesn't sound very yamatain of me, though I don't personally care for the empire. I was born from my mother and father, so I actually have a brain in my head to use, and not some brainwashed propaganda printer. Thought of even leaving once my finaly year of the initial three year contract is up at the end of this year.", Setsuya admitted with a small quiet giggle, knowing full well that a few of her peers had looked down on her, those that had caught any kind of hint anyways. Which she gave off very few of, and kept tightly under her usual loyal masquerade.

"I've been thinking the same thing. I reuped and still have a couple of years left. I thought I'd be a lifer, but now... I don't know." The words suprised Sacre as they came out of her mouth. She shook her head trying to free herself of the thought. "I don't know, and they might not let us leave. We're senior NCOs and Kuvexia doesn't seem to be backing off. Much as I'd like to leave, Yamatai may still need us."

"Maybe you, I'm expendable, another can just be rolled off the line. If I had been too, I would be one of those loyalty driven nekoes who give everything for the empire, without any natural thought of leaving. I think I would be kinda scared if not able to leave once my contract is done, already feel trapped in what should be job for any other normal person. Doesn't help I have a personality like a brick either.", Setsuya said with a small nervous chuckle at that. Looking at her drink and thinking of how much she had started to dislike her body, not for her looks, but for how stifling it felt most days now. Hell, she wasn't even able to get drunk, let alone tipsy, or have a certain height, or even bust size. Despite how she was born, then transferred into this newer model, the empire still has the say on everything about her save her mind.

"You seem to have a better personality then me, I've typically got all of the 'personality' of a cheese grater being rubbed against you. I've been trying to be less prickley, but that's a uphill battle. So what drives you then? I joined up because I needed a job, then one thing ran into anouther. You, your a lot smarter then me, you didn't have to be part of this mess. You had a lot of other optons then being a grunt, trying to keep from going from expendable to expended every day."

"To put it simply, family was why. Father is a navy man, was the helm of the eucharis, and at my previous temp posting at Shiroyama station. Mum was a soldier too, still is, but for a different nation. Sister followed suit, and even my daughter, just seemed like it was the best choice to stay in the ranks.", the neko stated as if she knew it would have only ever turned out this way. "Also as naively as it sounds, I feel like maybe I can make a difference in some way for others like me. I can't agree with how we are, and how we're treated, but I would be worse to sit and watch. Fat lot of trouble that's landed my tail in before, or ended up without warning, but that half I equate to bad luck."

Sacre poured a toast and lifted it. "To lady luck, may she smile on us and frown on our enemies. You have any thing you like to do, this is going to be a long cruise if we can't relax? I like knives, I make them from what amounts to scratch. I'm really bad about joining in group things, I haven't liked most people before recently. So I tend to read and obsess over things. Escape, Medicine, Gravity, my squad now I guess that I'm a squad leader. That feels weird to say, I never thought I'd be the one in charge when I joined or for a long time. It took Gravity to pull me out of my self obsessed shell. But I'm still not good about it. You might have to be the one to tell me to cut it out and join everyone else occasionaly."

"A boyfriend, reading, anime, and keeping a diary, and keeping my unit out of trouble apparently. To lady luck indeed, may smile on our endeavors.", Setsuya said with a giggle before clinking her toast with Sacre's. "Also be glad you don't have Lucas as a CO, ex-preachers always try to rope the squads into group activities."