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Rise from your Grave: Return of the Abwehran Q&A

Abwehran Commander

Inactive Member
Abwehran Commander

Color Code
Ms. Nightdweller
Mr. Surfacer
Princess Johanna Rosenthal
Sir Oberbefehlshaber Heimerich Lange

Yes, yes, yes. I'm copying an idea from Yangfan, but it's a great idea. In-character question and answer sessions for a species that is pretty much off the map when it come to mainstream SARP.

Though, I have a certain advantage of being very detailed with the Abwehran people.

To start things off, I'll introduce three individuals to everyone.

A rather tall, pale skinned woman enters the auditorium wearing a black jumpsuit and dark goggles over her eyes.


This is an Abwehran Nightdweller, she will be answering your questions revolving around the Nightdweller of Abwehr.

A taller, dark-skinned male wearing a white tunic with and brown pants enters after.

Greetings, Skywalker-wanna be.

Just because you like the Nightdwellers better, doesn't mean you have to be rude.

*Clears Throat* Ah yes, this man is an Abwehran Surfacer. He is one of the main reasons I'm doing this, since I haven't written much about the Surfacer. Because of that, I believe they need some fleshing out as well.

In walks Princess Johanna Rosenthal of the Abwehran Star Empire, dressed in her typical civilianized military attire.

"Hello, everyone," greets with a cute smile.

*Coughs again* And this is her highness, Princess Rosenthal, First Crown Princess of Empire, Daughter of Bertina I and Eckert the Enforcer...

"I'd rather you not do the entire thing...this is an informal discussion. Not a political debate."

Oh...okay. Anyway, if my guest will be seated, we will start taking questions now.


Doshii Jun

(Player Doshii metastands and speaks -- "Hey, can you kill the blue fonts? Holy crap are they hard to read.")



(Player Luca stands up and agrees, "Damn that's hard to read!")

The young man with the sideburns made his appearance again. He stood up with a hand up and asked: "How are the cities like? Could I drop in any time soon?"


Miss Strangelove

A woman in a lab coat stands up. The tag on the front of her blouse reads, 'CSEIA, Academician.'

"Ahem. We would like to remind the participants that anyone who infringes upon our technological monopoly over the Abwehran will be met with enough cease-and-desist orders and lawsuits to choke the Abominatio-- Test Subject number 315. That especially includes any rogue would-be explorers who may inadvertently let their non-Company starship components be scanned."

She turns to the stage. "If I may be so bold, I also have a question. Can, uhh, can we have a raise? Or rather, renegotiate our trade contract. You see, when you factor things like long-term mercenary defense contracts, galactic inflation cause by the Yamataian-Mishhu war, and so on..."


Abwehran Commander

((I could read it just fine, but I edited anyway.))

Luca wrote:
"How are the cities like? Could I drop in any time soon?"

"Well, since there are two types of cities, I'll let both Mr. Surfacer and Ms. Nightdweller explain."

"Well, Nightdweller cities are normally found under mountain sides for ease of both entry and exit. Once you enter, you'll probably see a vast cavern with buildings that go from the cave floor to the cave ceiling. The building along the outskirts of the cities are normally built into the rock itself while the building moving towards the center have been upgraded to modern materials. Every building is built to actually be a support structure to the City Cavern itself, making sure we have as few cave-ins as possible, though I haven't seen a city cavern cave in yet.

One thing you would probably note is that the only light source is provided by dim, phosphorescent lichen. This has been used since the days of the Great Conflict Era and we've used it ever since. It keeps our energy consumption to pretty low levels and suits us, since any bright lights would blind us if we didn't have our goggles. Personally, I enjoy the times I can take these infernal things off.

"That sounds cool, my kinda place. Anyway, what about the surface towns."

"Surface cities are more extravagant than 'Undercities'. Think of majestic skyscrapers lancing into the heavens to bathe in Jaspis Prime's golden rays. Each skyscrapers is ornately decorated with statues of ancient goddesses and mythological creatures, simply shining upon us all every day. Some skyscrapers go up to a full kilometer into the sky, projecting the Surfacers ability to project..."

"Their own egos...."

Mr. Surfacer frowns at Ms. Nightdweller before continuing.

"Anyway, at night, a Surface city is lit up enough to drive the darkness back several kilometers from the actually city proper. It can be an impressive sight from orbit."

"I believe that wraps it up for the first...."

"Not quite, Mr. Commander."

"Oh? What did we miss?"

"Why, the Capital City of course." replies cutely.

"Bah...quit with the cuteness!"

"Whatever do you mean?" tilts head cutely

-_-;; "Never mind, let's just answer the man's question."

Clears her throat before she begins. "The capital of Abwehr, Grosartige Festung, is very different from typical cities. For one, half of it is build into the mountainsides of the valley it inhabits while the other half expands the entire valley itself. There is only one pass into the valley, hence it's translated name "Great Fortress".

The next difference is the fact that it's a mixture of both Surface and Undercity architecture, making it stand out from any city. Though, the ancient citadel that is home to the Royal Family makes it stand out even more. To put it into a human perspective, you could say the Citadel is a more 'gothic' structure that reaches only about half a kilometer into the air, but it expands about a kilometer out in a circular area.

The Citadel is pretty much the government center of the Empire, since it's much too big for my family to live in." she smiles cutely at the end.

"I would say so."

CSEIA Scientist wrote:
"If I may be so bold, I also have a question. Can, uhh, can we have a raise? Or rather, renegotiate our trade contract. You see, when you factor things like long-term mercenary defense contracts, galactic inflation cause by the Yamataian-Mishhu war, and so on..."

"That will have to wait until we discuss the part of our contract that has yet to be spoken about, the technology you would allow us to have for our prior agreement." her highness replied with a knowing smile. "We can discuss future business transactions later, okay?" finishes with her cutest smile yet.

Holding podium due to cuteness overload. "Next questions, please."



"Ahem. We would like to remind the participants that anyone who infringes upon our technological monopoly over the Abwehran will be met with enough cease-and-desist orders and lawsuits to choke the Abominatio-- Test Subject number 315. That especially includes any rogue would-be explorers who may inadvertently let their non-Company starship components be scanned."

Melchoir Vel Steyr stood up with a finger pointed at the lady with his mouth half open in a physical interpretation of 'Why you!'. After letting himself calm down, he adjusted his glasses, dusted his almost similar labcoat and looked at the Abwehr.

"So, is there still any room for trade, technology or diplomatic agreements? or have you sold your soul to the devil?"


Abwehran Commander

Melchoir wrote:
"So, is there still any room for trade, technology or diplomatic agreements? or have you sold your soul to the devil?"

Both Ms. Nightdweller and Mr. Surfacer sweatdrop as they stay silent.

"It would be silly to hinder ourselves when it came to trading opportunities, so I would have to say that we will still be able to make trading agreements and business contracts. The same goes with any corporations and businesses in our nation. The same goes when it comes to diplomatic agreements with the Abwehran Star Empire. Monopolies have a ....disconcerting effect on our economy." continues to smile as she explains.



Everyone's favorite Okinawan descended privateer raised his hand. "Yes. Is her majesty Princess Johanna single, and what is she looking for in a relationship?"



"So what do you guys do for fun anyway?" Another young man in the back with shielded eyes decided to go next. His arms were stretched out to the adjoining seats and his hands twitched anxiously. His short jacket was unzipped halfway down, exposing a plethora of bandages.

"Anything fast-paced, or dangerous?" He grinned. "I'll try anything short of bloodsports once."

"Oh, and to the Nightdwellers, and I can relate to photosensitive eyes."


Abwehran Commander

Privateer wrote:
"Yes. Is her majesty Princess Johanna single, and what is she looking for in a relationship?"

The young princess blushes a bit when asked the blunt question as Mr. Surfacer and Ms. Nightdweller seem to glare at the privateer menacingly.

"Um...yes. I'm single," she replies with a hint of embarrassment.

"But you will have to get past ten palace guards and an overprotective father with military training to even ask," the Nightdweller seethed.

And as a note, many of Abwehr's population has grown up seeing the Princess of the Empire in full view. She has gained her nations love...as such...you could say the majority of the Abwehran population is overprotective of their Princess.

Thrill-seeker wrote:
"So what do you guys do for fun anyway? Anything fast-paced, or dangerous? I'll try anything short of bloodsports once.""

"The Nightdwellers have a few sports that interest us. One is something we call 'Gravball', a past-time and sometimes way of life for a majority of us. The game involves two teams of six in a spherical playing field containing in a Zero-G environment with a goal for each team that orbits around the central point in a random fashion. The objective of the game is simply to get the ball into the other team's goal. All players have protective gear and the only time it can get bloody is the occasional after-game riot that can occur if one's favored team loses." Ms. Nightsider explains after calming down.

"Why do anything overly dangerous in the first place? Life was meant to be enjoyed! Though a few of my kin enjoy climbing cliff faces without ropes or sky diving, we Surfacers prefer relaxing in communal areas. These communal areas contain lounging areas, certain...'recreation areas', and even public baths. The public baths will contain hot springs if they can." Mr. Surfacer said as he seems to be lounging at the moment.

"To tell the truth, hot springs are pretty much a national love." the Princess explains. "Our more famous hot spring resort is located in the undercity of Winterland, which is also the center of all medicinal knowledge in the Empire."



((Cue Haddaway's WHAT IS LOVE?))

Daisuke smiled, now standing on stage. Ifact, he was kneeling in front of the princess.

"Well, mlady, allow me to offer my services as Palace chef, and to complement your beauty as well." Daisuke grinned once again.


Abwehran Commander

Daisuke wrote:
"Well, mlady, allow me to offer my services as Palace chef, and to complement your beauty as well."

Suddenly, two seven-foot tall, muscular Abwehran men appear from backstage and drag poor Daisuke off the stage and out the room.

Let's keep this discussion on the Abwehran People and their culture, not a dating service for those who can't get any.



Seeing the Yamataian ejected was rather amusing. Gyles raised his hand lightly, his fingers hanging lazily.

"What about music, I am rather curious... do your cultures have a single preferred flavor or several branches? Do you prefer more soothing sounds, or something arousing and intense?"

His other hand reaches up to adjust his visor.

"What about instruments? Does you music employ more organic sounds or synthesized stuff?"



Harrison also found the ejection of Daisuke quite comedical, and chuckled while stating his question as well.

"As much as, in this time of war, as you would regret to answer this question, especially for a Nepleslian such as Mister Newman and myself, what type of ships and weaponry would be considered 'standard issue' to an Abwehran footsoldier?"


Abwehran Commander

Gyles wrote:
"What about music, I am rather curious... do your cultures have a single preferred flavor or several branches? Do you prefer more soothing sounds, or something arousing and intense? What about instruments? Does you music employ more organic sounds or synthesized stuff?"

"Now that's an interesting question," the young princess spoke up. "With three eras of history, each spanning nearly 3 centuries or so, and a surprisingly well-kept historical database, we've had a variety of music styles pop up. Our classical selection is composed by mostly brass and woodwind instruments accompanied by a contingent of percussion instruments. Songs from those days were mostly historical ballads and ancient dance tunes. We've even composed out national anthem based on our classical style in order to remember where we come from. Currently on the other hand, our society seems to favor songs akin to your Trance and Hard Rock music. I know I've gone to a few dance clubs playing Trance." she explained with a smile.

Harrison wrote:
"As much as, in this time of war, as you would regret to answer this question, especially for a Nepleslian such as Mister Newman and myself, what type of ships and weaponry would be considered 'standard issue' to an Abwehran footsoldier?"

Oh goody, military questions. Unfortunately, all three of my guests are poor choices to answer such a question, being all three are civilians. To answer this, I'll introduce a special guest.

In walks an elderly, yet powerfully built Abwehran male wearing a pure white dress uniform and no patches other than the Imperial Seal upon it. He wears his stark white hair in a crew cut as his amber-colored eyes look over the crowd.

This is Sir Oberbefehlshaber Heimerich Lange, Supreme Commander of the Abwehran Armed Forces and oldest active soldier in the Empire.

"Greetings," he said in a gruff voice before looking towards Harrison. "Currently, our ship base consists of three classes of sub-light ships: Destroyers, Frigates, and Corvettes. These patrol the system of Jaspis and will likely see service as system patrol craft even after we start upgrading to more modern war vessels. We also have two types of strike craft: Interceptors and Bombers, though I have no idea what we'll do with them once we start modernizing." he explained before pulling out his sidearm.

"This is the Service Pistol of the Abwehran Armed Forces, the MDP-3-01 Brefreier. It's an electromagnetic propellant pistol, or mass-driver as we call it. This beauty will work up to a 270-meter range in any environmental conditions. The magazine hold 24 rounds double-stacked and even has a full-auto setting, though that's clearly for those who just want to suppress.

We also have the MDR-5-01 Beschutzer Series Mass-Driver Rifles with three models in the series: Battle Rifle, Sniper Rifle, and Boarding Ops. Rifle. Statistics vary for both, so I suggest you look that information up. Those weapons are pretty much standard issue to all troops.

Armor-wise, we use the MSS-01 Skinsuit, which has synthetic spider silk pads to protect versus medium to small size projectiles. We have a power armor, but it's a bit too expensive to mass-produce, so we're currently looking for cheaper alternatives."



"Thank you, Supreme Commander." Harrison takes his seat again.



Princess Johanna wrote:
"...Currently on the other hand, our society seems to favor songs akin to your Trance and Hard Rock music. I know I've gone to a few dance clubs playing Trance." she explained with a smile.

Gyles couldn't help but acknowledge the smile with his own. "So now I'm wondering, what type of ambiance do your clubs typically have? I know that neon and strobe lights are universal favorites, but do you use holograms, dry ice and other special effects?"



"Um...yes. I'm single," she replies with a hint of embarrassment.

"But you will have to get past ten palace guards and an overprotective father with military training to even ask," the Nightdweller seethed.

I'll take them all my love, just to be with you



"Jackass, did you see what happened to that guy from Higa Corp?" Gyles sighed, this moron was being way too overt in his flirtations, and he'd never get passed her father... He pulled out a tranquilizer gun he borrowed from one of the medics on the NSS Alliance, and proceeded to fire a single man-sized dose into the person's neck. It would save the Abwehr guards some trouble.

"No worries speakers, it's just a dose of tranquilizers. He should be out of it in a few hours..."

Gyles ruffled his hair a bit, and adjusted his visor. He seemed to be thinking a lot, but couldn't piece together the sentence. After a few seconds, he raised his hand again.

"On second thought, just discount my last question. It's rather boring and pointless isn't it? I'm rather curious about three other things:

First, has Abwehr made any specific advancements in the field of humanoid combat machines, either in Power Armor, or on the mech concept that our ejected friend from Higa would know more about?

Second, how long has the current dynasty been in power and what placed them there?

Third, what are some of the traditions of said family? Learning of skills, courtship, filling certain posts in the government, ceremonies. Don't go to much into detail if it doesn't suit you."


Will make a Proper restart tomorrow
After months of inactivity and a need to gather more interest in the Abwehran people, I have once again returned to the stage of Clusterflux to begin the long dead Question and Answer Session. I'm your host, the Abwehran Commander and these are my guest speakers! First is the Heir to the Imperial throne, Princess Johanna Rosenthal.

"Hello," the young Abwehran greets the audience with a cute smile.

And let me begin by saying this isn't a dating show. People will be ejected if they try to hit on Her Highness.

Motions to the two seven-foot-tall, Abwehrans in black suits and menacing expressions.

Anyway, next guest is the Supreme Commander of the Abwehran Armed Forces and Knight of the Crown, Sir Oberbefehlshaber Heimerich Lange.

"Greetings," the much older Abwhran replies with a gravely voice.

And our final two guests are anonymous representatives of there races, Mr. Surfacer and Ms. Nightdweller.

"Hello again," The goggled woman responds with a wave.

"Why am I here again," the blonde man responds with exasperation.

Quit your whining, Farm Boy! *clears throat* Anyway, we are once again available for your questions, so please...fire away.