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Worldbuilding Wednesday #5: The Forgotten

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🌸 FM of Yamatai
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Welcome to Star Army's Worldbuilding Wednesdays! It's a new way to expand the Star Army universes with your imagination and ideas!

The concept of this forum goes like this:
  • Every week, on Wednesday, a Star Army staffer will post a question about the SARPiverse:
  • During the week, Star Army players can creatively answer the question with their ideas
  • Star Army players can also upvote other responses they like
  • We'll try to use the top ideas:
    • can be submitted as suggestions to add to the Star Army universe
    • can be put into an article by the creator and submitted
    • can be GM fuel for RP plots
Today's prompt comes from Worldbuilding Magazine via their Discord Channel.

Every world has that piece which people forget about. Tell us about what makes your forgettable corner of the SARPiverse unique.

Please submit your responses to the prompt below! Responses can be voted on so try to include everything in one post!
Tokyo has a massive and likely labyrinth filled underground. Even though the new underground transit systems were put in by Sunflower Corporation, the underground of Tokyo is filled with old bunkers and catacombs that were put in by the United Outer Colonies, especially under Motoyoshi-cho, which is where the old Capital was located. It's been a relatively forgotten plot point, this prompt made me wonder what kind of secrets and forgotten places are hidden beneath the streets of what is now one of the Empire's greatest cities.
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For Separa'Shan; the sea snakes. Essia is mostly covered in Jungle and Dessert, but along the coasts and islands, many Separa'Shan are swimmers, divers, and fishermen. Their long bodies give them excellent maneuverability in the water and a fast swimming speed.
There is a piece of rewritten history within the Neshaten that speaks of another ship that was with the convoy that arrived in Kikyo sector. It was never retrieved or a search happened to see what happened to that ship. This gives an interesting perspective for the FMs of Neshaten and potentially later on for the rest of SARP as well :D
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