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RP: Ayenee [Ayenee] Field Trip

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Qel'noran Industries received a phone call. "This is Matthew Bishop, Assistant Superintendent of the Central School District. I wanted to let you know that the busses are on the way to the power plant. Could you get me Miss Naomi?" Two orange busses speed down the roads of Ayenee Capital City, avoiding some of the "bad areas" and places where the plague was widespread.

"Please hold for one moment Sir," Came the nameless reply from the other end of the phone. He didn't have to wait long for a second, more familiar, voice to come over the line, "Good morning Mr. Bishop. Is everything running to your satisfaction so far?" Her voice seemed slightly exhausted, but still pleasant and charming as always.

"Things are pretty well, except for the amount of children staying home because of the virus," the man answered. "I'm afraid I was only able to bring 25 of us here, including myself. At least the weather is clear and sunny, if a little cold."

"Perhaps we can do this again under more favorable circumstances for the city and its population," Naomi said as the busses continued upon their trek to the power plant. "I look forward to meeting you in person at the interior gate."

The voice on the other end gave a short laugh that could almost not be heard over the rumble of the diesel engine at the front of the bus, and the chattering of young voices in the background. "Yes, I agree. This of course is the first of a series of such visits, is it not?" the man asked. "I believe that's what the agreement was if my memory serves me right."

"Yes sir," Naomi said, "I.." Her voice trailed off as another barely audible one chimed in behind her, "I see that your nearing the our facility. I'll be seeing you soon. In the mean time if you need anything feel free to talk to Genesis, She will be taking care of you while I'm in transit between my room and the gate." Naomi waited for a response before taking off down the hallway to the internal gate.

"Very well," the man responded as the old school buses approached the gates to the QIS power plant facilities. The vehicles looked like they were in very bad shape, probably a result of the pitiful funding the school district received from ACC, which tended to invest most of its resources into paramilitary programs like the Hunters. Some of the kids had their faces pressed up against the glass windows despite how dirty they were.

A large part of the facility was simply open expanse. As the busses reached the first gate, a simple chain link fence, a Qel'noran waved them through. The six foot tall reptilian had on a fairly loose fitting black leather jacket that was fairly thick, significantly thicker than what most humans would use on a day at this temperature. In between the first and second fences was a well-manicured lawn tended by a few automated bots that rolled around the area. The busses reached the second security gate and were waved through one at a time. They were passively scanned for weapons and infection by the gate guards as they passed through to the interior of the planet. Beyond the second wall was a varitable maze of roads that led in, around, and under the sprawling plant, which consisted of three huge spheres spread across a series of support buildings and warehouses. A small grouping of the reptilians in heavy coats were waiting for them in one of the parking lots with a pale skinned human looking girl with long platinum hair in a light windbreaker. All of the jackets were standard issue black with red sleeves.

The little kids crowded to the sides of the bus to look at the reptilian guards. Standing in the aisle of the first bus, was the spitting image of Matthew Bishop, a confident, intelligent looking man, dressed in a dark gray business suit and with a white shirt and red tie. The bus drivers followed the directions of the Qel'noran workers and slowly made there way into the facility. Passive scans didn't show any sign of the magical infection or any weaponry besides three .45 pistols, one by each bus driver in a locked compartment, and a third in the briefcase that sat near the assistant superintendent on the fake leather of the front seat.

As the busses were led to a stop in the covered parking area, the six Qel'noran guards spread out around the busses forming a loose circle. They wore a visible holster on their hip which held a small pistol but other than that no weapons were visible on their person. The girl, was unarmed, and waited for the people on the bus to disembark before greeting them.

The kids got a small talk before being let off the bus, in which Mr. Bishop explained that they were to stick with the group and that if they got lost, they were supposed to wait for one of the Qel'noran security people to find them instead of running around the place. Matthew was the first off the bus, banging on the door frame of the bus accidentally, cracking open his briefcase and pulling out copies of each child's parental permission form to give to Naomi. As children got off the bus, he counted them just to be safe. The kids were dressed in casual clothes and had little nametags that said "Central District" in small print at the top and had the children's names written in the blank area.

Naomi extended her hand to shame with Matthew as she walked over to him, "Its a pleasure to meet you in person," She said before turning to look at the kids, "I'm sure that Mr. Bishop has already talked to you about your safety but I can not stress it enough. Please do not wander off if you get lost for both your safety and our own." With that she made a sweeping motion to indicate the facility and the pair of double doors, "This facility generates enough power to keep Ayenee Capitol City supplied with power for hundreds of years without the need for refueling or any of the harmful emissions produced by standard power facilities." She said, "Now who would like to see how that is done?"

For the moment Naomi simply held the files that Mr. Bishop handed her in one arm.

"ME!!!!" the kids chorused. Matthew politely declined the handshake, smiling. "Sorry, not allowed to touch people due to the virus," he explained. "The kids, too." Of course the kids didn't listen, they were as curious and rambunctious as always. Already some bored boy was poking a girl repeatedly, causing her to attempt to wipe a booger on the boy. Bishop regretted not bringing chaperones already as he looked over to see the boy going "Ew!!" and squealing. A stern look shut the kids up. "Sorry."

"That is quite alright, kids will be kids and the outbreak isn't something that we can control simply," Naomi said to Bishop as she turned over to the kids, "Alright then please follow me." With that she started to lead them through the double doors and into the main lobby. The lobby had a series of elevators and doors, which led to the other areas in the facility. Naomi walked in and put the series of forms down on one of the desks where they were collected by one of the secretaries there. Naomi held out her hand, which glowed blue for a moment before projecting a small display on her epidermis. She moved her fingers around a moment, interacting with the menu displayed on her skin. A few moments later she spoke up again, "Through this set of doors is the walkway which will take us by reactor number 1. Inside of these observation chambers you can directly observe the power creating reactions going on inside of the massive spheres you saw on your ride in."

"Whoa!" "Cool!" and a lot of excitement seemed to rush through the two dozen kids, and Matthew couldn't help but smile. "How many reactors are there?" he asked, curious. The kids shuffled along, oohing and ahhing.

"This power plant has three main reactors, The one we are about to enter feeds Ayenee Capitol City with power." She said it loud enough so that the children could hear also. "Underneath the entire facility is a matter/antimatter reactor held in a very protected vault. Technically it is the facilities fourth reactor but it is not used to power the cities. This provides the energy needed to start up the main reactors that provide power to the cities." As they passed through the doors that led to the observation area, a fairly large staircase greeted them, nearly four stories, which then opened out into a circular walkway. On their right side, the interior side of the circular walkway was a series of large, thick, windows that looked out into the first sphere. Inside was a small dot, which glowed with the brightness of a sun suspended in the center of the sphere. Cords and cables ran around the entire area and then up into a podium like configuration below that dot. The tint of the windows was such that the light wasn't blinding. Projected inside of the windows was a hologram of a female Qel'noran in a very official looking lab coat. The projection started talking about how the reaction actually takes place, how it is harnessed and how the wormholes transmit the power to substations inside of the city.

Fascinated, the kids took turns looking through the windows and listening to the hologram's voice. "This is really cool, Naomi," Matt said quietly, setting down his briefcase and taking a moment to re-tie his shoes. Out of his whole suit, the shoes were probably the cheapest looking part, a dull brown that looked more like a candy bar than leather. The children were being well behaved and everything was going smoothly. After a few minutes, all the kids had had their share of looking and assembled in a group to go on to the next part of the tour.

"Thank you, I worked with Genesis to put this all together," She said with a satisfied smile. "Now that you've all seen how the power is made who would like to see how it gets to the cities?" Naomi asked to the kids as she led them around the walkways.

"Sure," Matt nodded. "Are going to see the lower react..." he started, but was interrupted by a slightly overweight little girl wearing a "I Survived The Assassins' War and All I Got Was This Stupid T-Shirt" shirt in pink that matched her purse and holding both hands between her legs. "I gotta tinkle," she said.

Naomi ducked down slightly to the girl's level, "Alright miss, the bathrooms are through those doors and to the right," She said, pointing, " Acaia will go with you so you don't get lost." Naomi motioned to one of the guards who came up closer to the little girl and stood ready to take her through one of the side walkways, "As the guard dealt with that Naomi turned back to Mr. Bishop, "I'm sorry but the lower reactor is going to remain off limits for the duration of this field trip. It is the only truly dangerous part of the plant and could cause extensive damage to the surrounding area should it malfunction."

"That's alright," Bishop nodded understandingly. The girl followed the guard as the rest of the group followed Naomi to the next area.

Although the space-time continuum was probably beyond the comprehension of most of the students here, a demonstration was set up anyways. "To get the power from this remote location to the city QIS uses wormholes that bend space to bring the city closer to the power plant." Naomi brought the group, with its remaining guards in tow, to a converted lobby area. On one end was a ring padded with rubber with a duplicate on the other end. "This is a what a wormhole looks like," She started to explain as she pointed to the two rings, "Anything that passes through one of these comes out the other and vice versa. Feel free to play around with them as much as you want," Great care had been taken so that no one could get hurt playing with the bent space.

"How do you possibly create and direct the massive energy needed to create a wormhole without the surrounding environment being affected?" Bishop asked, not really seeing how it was done himself. The children were timid with the wormholes at first, preferring to throw apples and juice boxes through them at first, but soon were jumping back and forth through them and laughing.

"We have even more powerful generators on Ralfaris that build commercial wormholes like this. After the wormhole is made and then contained exotic matter is woven around the edges to hold it open. Aside from the tension in the exotic matter wires the system is completely self containing. The by-product of all of this is a area of distorted space in a private region of QIS space. The exotic matter contains the majority of the spatial distortion. The only real problem with it is when we try and move them and then they leave a slight amount of distortion, but this one is secured to this spot." Another hologram was taking about the math needed in order to make these and the need for math classes in school.

Meanwhile, the little negotiator who'd asked to use the bathroom pulled her pants down and sat on the toilet, taking her twinkle. At the same time, she removed a thick peanut butter sandwich from her purse and peeled it apart, putting it back together so that one side had the sticky peanut butter facing outward. She attached the sandwich to the wall and silently removed the face of her watch and pressed it into the "bread" as she continued to pee. The timer counted down from forty seconds. She emerged from the bathroom after a flush and smiled to Acaia. "Thanks, mister," she smiled sweetly.

The guard with her opened the door to the girl's bathroom and had a quick look inside to make sure she hadn't left anything. ~ew...~ he thought to himself silently as he saw the sandwich. With a few quick moves of his fingers he logged a request in the computer system for a clean up unit to come down and take care of that. "Um, miss, you forgot your watch,"

Simultaneously, Matt Bishop was replaced by something that absolutely shouldn't have been there; it was the last thing the Qel'noran would want to see in their power plant: the Mindy M2 Power Armor! It took off like a bolt of fire towards the lower reactors, firing its White Beam down into the lower parts of the facility. The children were negotiators. All of them. As their insides morphed into fusion bombs, the suitcase that "Matthew Bishop" had left behind in Reactor 1 released the magnetic field that kept the anti-matter from the matter inside of it. Everything was times together. QIS was under attack! The Mindy dove down into the plant as best it could as the bombs scattered throughout the plant exploded.

The anti-matter reactor was located well below the facility and coated in several layers of smart metals and YMA thread. The Mindy armor had a tough time negotiated the maze of walkways and tunnels that led all around the facility. Meanwhile high back at the main offices a hysterical Kitsune was laughing her ass off as Genesis and Seigi started to take control of the situation. Within a few moments of the odd transformation small localized wormholes started to open up within the facility. Less than molecule thick wires of energy lanced out from there and to try to cut up the power armor that started to wreak havoc. Energy fields started going up around the main reactor sphere as there was little QIS could do to stop the negotiator weapons, weapons that were originally specific to QIS, were set loose. Energy fields started going up around the facility to, to contain the children and allow them a fast exit out of the facility as well as to minimize damage around the facility. The original plan was to safeguard the children and get them out fast. At the moment it was the only plan ready immediately.

The mercenary in the power armor didn't bother with the hallways, it used its white beam to cut itself a direct path, knowing that the time it had left was very, very short, passing through the energy wires and deeper as the force from the 24 fusion explosions from each "child" and the anti-matter bomb in the suitcase chased it. From orbit, the Wazu and Minion mercenary starships that had destroyed the convey headed to the site of the destroyed PNUgen base bombarded the plant from above with any starship weapon that wouldn't cause much damage to ACC.

Meanwhile, the real Matthew Bishop was probably discovering his school buses had all had flat tires.

More localized wormholes were created in the path of the Mindy as additional threads were passed through them to try cut up the Mindy. "Well... this is going to hurt," Naomi thought to herself as the area she was in was engulfed in the super hot energy of fusion explosions. The heat was channeled out of the exit tunnel that had been pre-prepared and scorched the ground around the outsides of the facility. In the meantime the lower areas of the facility opened up and a series of spatial cavity missiles were fired up at several hundred times C riding in a void pocket and detonated above the facility creating protecting pockets of energy that would either detonate or move the orbital attack from on top of the facility to some remote section of the universe. The same defense that had been used with the convoy earlier. Additional missiles were fired up into orbit, aimed at the ships that had just fired on the facility.

The anti-matter explosion was a different story. Layers of transparent smart metals were stripped off as the force of the explosion lifted the sphere from its resting location. The odd layout of the explosion caused a failure in the lower parts of the sphere allowing the ZPE reactor to fall and burn through the wires, containment units and even the sphere itself, burning down a distance of twenty meters before being shut down. The huge expansion of energy also built up within the sphere, jetting out of the hole put in it by the weapons and rolling the huge reactor block through the lobby and out to the interior wall.

The mercenary in the powered armor, satisfied, overrode her armor's capacitor and the Mindy disintegrated itself in a quick aether explosion, the pilot smiling as her armor detonated like an aether torpedo. All of the attackers who had infiltrated the plant were now nothing but subatomic particles.
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