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RP: NovaCorp/Horizon City Betrayal part 2

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{Day 47 - Evening}

"Another boring day..." groaned Rikyu. "Why are we here anyway? I know we earn good money but it's not like we actually DO anything!" Sighing, Hiro turned and said "Courage, brother. If you cannot live through boredom then how will you survive old age?" He chuckled and turned back to the cameras of the security complex. On landing Hiro and his men were surprised to find very few security guards who were actually doing their jobs. Hiro's men were, on the other hand, extremely efficient but the monotonous work was beginning to wear them down. "We need a change" He muttered.

[Security recording #77493F - Head of Security William Baker personal communication - Start]


"No, I said 'What?'"

"No the line isn't good, I'll speak to the engineers"

"The plan is going fine"


"Tomorrow, all right? You'll get your money, don't worry"

[Security recording #77493F - Head of Security William Baker personal communication - End]

Hiro frowned. "What's this?" he whispered under his breath and played it again. What was this plan? Strange... Baker wasn't involved in any official plans, he was just a jumped up security guard... maybe a plot...? He grinned wolfishly into the blank screen of his security monitor. If he was right, things were definitely looking up.

{Day 48 - Early morning}

"Saromi! Saromi-Chan! Where are you?!" Hiro scowled and slid out of bed. "Right here, Baker-Chan, right where you'll always find me every time you wake me an hour early. What's your excuse this time? Wet the bed?" Baker grimaced in irritation, trying to think of a good comeback on the spot. Failing, he decided to just shout at Hiro. "Don't get smart with me you ignorant mercenary! get yourself and a few men down to the loading docks, double time! I have a parcel coming in today and I don't want it disturbed. Much as I dislike you, you're far more efficient than my own men so you get the job. Just show the uh... delivery man up to my office." Hiro saluted crisply and jogged away down the corridor, shouting out the names of three men as he went. Less than a minute later the men were sprinting after him, pulling on their clothes and uniform as they went. Baker smirked, slouched back to his office to order some more coffee and waited.

Three hours later, Baker's parcel arrived - a battered old Ki-F2 transport frigate hopped out of nowhere near the Horizon and requested clearance to dock in Hiro's bay, giving the codes that Baker had given Hiro over the intercom less than ten minutes earlier. Hiro lowered the shield and the ship docked. After the dock had been repressurised, Hiro sent one of his men out to greet the occupants. The man entered the craft and reported back to Hiro through his helmet comms. "Saromi-Sama, this ship appears to have no crew. There's just a loading vehicle and a large container of some sort." Hiro's soldier had no chance of surviving the blast. As the smoke cleared, Hiro looked out into space, bewildered, as five Ki-N1 transports sped out from behind a large chunk of debris that had shielded them from the Horizon's sensors.

Within seconds they arrived at the destroyed section of the hull, blasting away the shields with makeshift plasma cannons. As Hiro saw the shields fade, he knew that he and his two remaining soldiers would not survive decompression - the dock seals had been breached during the explosion. He grabbed both his men, rammed a palm into the manual door control and dived through, the door and a blast shield slamming shut mere millimetres from his feet. He picked himself up and tried to contact his troops carrying out their various tasks around the Horizon but the comms in his helmet yielded nothing but static. "Baker!" he roared and sprinted off down the corridor, hammering manual blast doors closed to slow down whatever invaders were in the docking bays. As he reached a junction, he stopped, whirled around and saw a terminal embedded in the wall. Typing in his command codes, he was surprised to see they were still authorised. Grinning, he activated the Horizon's automated security - hundreds of "Spider" and "Scorpion" defense drones suddenly buzzed into life and flooded down the corridors toward where Hiro was using the terminal.

Hearing a metallic tearing sound, he looked over his shoulder. The blast door was being pulverised from the other side, ballooning inward as it was struck, presumably by heavy weaponry. Hiro cursed and fired a shot into the terminal, silencing it. He sprinted half a kilometre to the nearest in-ship transport, a high speed AG train system, and hopped on-board followed by his men. The train sped away toward the city as Hiro slumped into one of the hard seats and waited, his mind in turmoil.
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