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Art [C] Space sheriffs

[C] Space sheriffs
Commission for :iconAmetheliana:
Thank you so much for being patient with me and I hope you like it <3

Coming up with good poses wasn't easy, but I really like the result star_full.gif
I actually drew the pose without taking into account the cowboy hats so I had to make a few small adjustments but it turned out fine in the end owo/

I hate to use commissions for personal updates, but because I probably won't be able to draw much in the next week or so, I'm going to make explain a little here, I hope you don't mind Ame ;;;
I've graduated highschool yey
But it's not over completely - I've been so inactive because of my ball, diploma and exams, and there's one final exam I have to push trough. It's not a subject I'm very good at, so I'll spend the next few days studying and maybe doodling at night (now that I don't have to go to school anymore I can stay up as late as I want star_full.gif )
the next thing on my to-do list is a painted com, and those take more time than my usual headshors, so I'll probably finish it after the 10th
Thank you everyone for sticking with me even when I'm so inactive - I'll be back on track soon <3
also I'll delete this paragraph after I'm done with exams, I really hate to leave personal stuff on coms, but it's too little for a journal and too important to just be a status post
View [C] Space sheriffs on DeviantArt