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City on Fire

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Even as Flynt scanned the surrounding area, he noticed that the number of things he was seeing kept increasing. "I think we have a problem," he muttered to himself.

The people on the Nepleslian Army helicopter didn't seem to hear Flynt's voice, and they took a moment to decide who to bring back on it, since in its damaged form it couldn't bring all the people it had come with. The sounds of gunfire increased throughout the area, as more infected victims converged on the obvious targets. A line of them appeared running down the street, guns blasting.

Sekiko panted slightly as the craft lifted away from the ambush set by that vile, fiendish Neko. She sighed, looking at Ryoshi - who now slipped into unconsciousness from the pain of the gunshots, which had pierced his shoulder and calf. She rose slowly, and began calling out orders. "Kouji... land us somewhere safer so we can perform medical safely. Janus... get Ryoshi to Kail's quarters until we're ready." This shook her up. Ryoshi's judgment was usually better than that - Naraku was not a creature he should have placed any trust in. Ever.

As Flynt watched the zombies come down the street he noticed that they had weapons, and then they started to open fire.

"Looks like landing wasn't the smartest thing i could have done," Flynt managed to choke out as he threw himself into a concrete pillar to avoid the first few blasts.

He didn't think standing was a very good idea any more, and thus put himself on the ground, before firing 10 shots, all aimed for the heads of the first wave of zombies, before he got back up and started looking for a bit of cover that he could use to hide behind and prop his rifle on.

"This is going to be a long day..."

The zombie-like people seemed to keep coming, despite the fact that most of them had been lethally shot in the head. One of them pulled the pin on a hand grenade and threw it at him. It sort of gave the impression that these guys were a bunch of undying soldiers. The more zombies there were in an area, the quicker and more strategically they moved, almost as if their intelligence was shared between them all.

Kouji paused, and looked up. "This should be a good place."

Sekiko stopped, turned, cast a glance around, smiled. "Good... bring the ship down." Kouji began to oblige. It was only a few seconds.... "What the HELL?"

"What is it?" Seki moved next to the pilot, who pointed out several figures on the ground far below them. "It appears, Tanaka Chan, to be one man attempting to hold off a massive and exceedingly disciplined force." He paused for a split second. "Maybe Ryoshi has a twin. In any case... we can't land here for medical work. We should scan a bit outside this vicinity..."

Sekiko nodded. She rarely argued with Kouji when he was doing his job.
Flynt heard the ship before he saw it, and decided that hed better make some more noise and let them know he was there.

"GRENADE!" He yelled as he dove from behind cover to avoid the blast, "Now, im angry...."

Flynt stood and leveled his weapon, he fired off the rest of his clip, turning completely around aiming for random zombie heads, or rather things that were shooting at him, or were walking toward him.

"You dont want to see me really ANGRY!!" Flynt yelled as he dropped to his knee, reloaded, and fired off another volley of AP rounds toward the advancing mob of increasingly smart zombies.

BANG! A missile of some sort pierced the starship's side, and exploded. The interior lights flickered and the ship fell about twenty feet and slammed into the ground. It took a few seconds for the ship's systems to come back to life. A fire alarm went off. The lower deck had a fire in the engine room. Flynt could see the ship's very ungraceful landing from where he was. Every time Flynt popped up, the zombies aimed at him and fired in under a second. There were more of them every moment. It was only a matter of time before another one threw a grenade. Flynt felt a wetness on the side of his head and realized he was missing the top of his right ear. Once it occurred to him, the pain started.

"SHIT!" Kouji's shout was not the jesting kind of 'shit'. It was the shit as in 'Holy shit, we're fucked'. Most of the crew were flung to the deck, Kouji continued attempting to keep control of the damaged craft. Sekiko shouted into her communicator, "Kail! Secure Ryoshi! Make sure he doesn't take any more trauma!" Mere seconds later, the ship struck the ground, and her head struck the floor again. And eternity faded away into darkness.

"God dammit, my once chance out, and they had to get shot down..." Flynt winced a bit as a bullet took out a chunk of concrete right next to his head. "I swear I'm going to kill ALL OF YOU!!!!!" He roared as he lifted his rifle over the edge before quickly firing off 8 rounds, and ducking down again. He knew that 5 of them had been headshots, but 3 more went wild and he didn't catch where they went. He really hated wasting ammo, but this wasn't the time to bitch about it.

"Gotta go help them out, its in a corner, and i can get some better cover, and possibly some more help...."

Flynt decided that a sprint was the best idea, and seeing that he had no grenades, its all he could do. He checked his rifle for ammo, found that he was empty, reloaded and sprinted his ass off, firing random shots to clear his way, while making sure that he moved enough to make himself a hard target. He dove head first past the wreckage, into a door way before finally turning around to clear a bit of space, and gain a bit of time, while he hustled up to the roof.

The helicopter's 35mm chaingun saved Flynt. One of the crewmen shot a burst of the anti-tank rounds and sawed most of the zombies in half. The large bullets went through dumpsters, trash cans, mailboxes, and other cover the zombies had been using. Now was his chance. Meanwhile, inside the ship, systems seemed to be working well enough that taking off again would be an option...at least until the fire destroyed the generator. Kouji could see Sekiko was passed out, and on the viewscreen, a helicopter sitting on the ground not to far away. A man was running in their general direction. He didn't seem to be Army.

Kouji sighed softly. He hated being in command - Ryoshi and Sekiko were much better under pressure than he could ever hope to be. After some time's deliberation, he paused, and spoke into his communicator. "Janus, make sure no one tries entering the craft without prior permission... Kail, we'll be grounded for a few minutes, do what you can for Ryoshi... Someone get Sekiko to Kail's quarters as well. Vo, I need damage assessment as soon as possible." He shuddered. "By which I mean, I need damage assessment immediately. And if you can, try to get the fires under control."

Flynt saw the giant fire ball erupt from the side of the craft, and thanked the first thing that came to mind, ammunition. He quickly yelled a thanks to the gunner, scurried up the stairs, and began to take out the remnants of the zombies with the help of his wonderful little pet. The 7.62x52mm AP round.

"I told you that you didnt want to see me ANGRY!" He yelled as he laid down a massive hail of fire on the remaining creatures.

About 4 clips later he realized he was running low on ammo, which was of course a really bad thing. He came in with 15, but he had fired 9 clips of ammo, which gave him only about 180 rounds left. enough for 180 zombies, but he liked having plenty and using few. Not the other way around.

Again, the number of zombies seemed to increase, but it wasn't long before a second Nepleslian Army helicopter dropped off pair of eight-foot-tall soldiers with incredibly muscular bodies. These guys were the IDSOLs. IDSOL was short for "IDeal SOLdier," a genetics project that preceded the Nekovalkyrja. Before there were nekos, there was IDSOL. Each of these one-man armies received the best (and most brutal) training, weapons, and experience that Nepleslia could offer. Known only by their numbers, the massive grunts quickly took to the street. One had some sort of rapid-napalm-grenade-cannon, and the other was using a gatling gun that fired what appeared ot be plasma. It was kind of like watching an old action movie. In about ten seconds, the street was entirely clear.

Like robots, the twins continued around the corner to clear the next street.

Kouji waited patiently for what seemed like hours. In reality, only a few minutes passed before Vo voiced his report. 'I'll be able to contain the flame, but it will take some time. Don't try starting anything until I give the heads up!' Kouji cursed to himself at this message. He had hoped for what he knew he wouldn't get: an easy way out. As it stood, something needed to be done until the ship was safe for relocation. "Janus," Kouji spoke rather shakily. "Find out who the man out there is. If anything starts going wrong, dont try to be the hero. Just report back to the Hanran."

Flynt rationalized that his job was sufficiently over, and thought that his next course of action should be to get the hell out of here, and the best way to do that was to hitch a ride on the ship. He started to go back down the stairs to the street level and ended up at the door way he started at, looking toward the sizzling craft.

He walked over to it and banged on what looked like a hatch. "Anyone home?" Flynt inquired inquisitively.

As the giant soldiers continued out of sight, BW-6b tanks with Star Army and old Army of Uesureya logos rolled down the street, crushing debris and bodies in their path. The infected parts of the city were being taken. The tanks couldn't get to the lot the downed ship was in yet, however, because the spinning blades of the helicopter were too low for the tanks to get under. A single zombie sprinted across the open and tackled Flynt from behind just after he banged on the door. It was a big guy, overweight and with dark brown skin and wearing only a bloody "Looking for a Yamataian Girlfriend" t-shirt. He tried to...hug Flynt?

The door slid open, to show the massive profile of Janus, the only violent member of Nairan's twenty-one personnel. In fact, the trigger-happy thug enforcer of Nairan, who owned too many guns. And currently held a pair of pistols level, one aimed for Flynt's head, the other launching a shot at point blank towards the Zombie.

Flynt tackled from behind quickly fought for some sort of angle he could use. He remembered the knife in his gear very quickly and fought to get hold of it, attempting to slice open the jugular vein of the zombie. He kept trying to grab for it but then a point blank shot destroyed the zombies head.

"Thanks..."Flynt managed to croak, before standing, "My name is Flynt, uh, hows it going?"

The zombie's body exploded in a mass of writing tentacles. Dozens of little things leapt out of it. The creatures looked like a cross between a jellyfish and an uncooked hamburger patty. The creatures jumped at both of them, tentacles ripping and clawing.

"Shit! A little help, anyone!" Janus stepped backwards into the spacecraft, both guns now blazing at the damned hamburger patties that were attempting to rend him limb from limb. It took no more than six or seven seconds before three more of Nairan's members were aiding him with small-grade firearms. It was right about then that Vo radioed in another delay. At least another four minutes. Kouji cursed vividly once more.
Flynt acted quickly as the things leaped toward him and the other man, but as they did, he went psycho with adrenaline and his arm became almost invisible as it cut through the little things.

"I REALLY HATE THIS PLACE!!!" Flynt yelled out as he sushi'ed the little critters.

Most of the creatures were shot or sliced, but one or two of them made it into the doorway. One even jumped into a crewman's mouth, causing the man to choke and grab his neck as the thing tore its way down his throat and into his insides. He gurgled blood. Even as he struggled to survive, his hand with the gun raised up and she shot Janus in the side of the belly.

Janus grunted, and collapsed to his knees, guns now blasting wildly at the crewman who fell and shot him. The remaining standing crewman took shots at the last jellyfish creature... and even Kouji fired off a round at the beast. And cursed more vividly than before as Vo informed him the fires were under control but he would need more time to assure the safety of the craft. The door slid closed.

Flynt heard the door start to close, and he leaped toward it trying to make it in but the door closed with a thud, and he slammed right into it.

"I'm really starting not to like this place..." Flynt muttered to himself, as he banged on the door again.

He sat down next to the craft, leaving nothing out of his sight, he wasn't going to be tackled again, especially not by a fat thing.

The action seemed to die down a little bit, as nearby areas were "pacified" through the use of overwhelming military force. A few people ran by, but it was impossible to tell if they were fleeing citizens or retreating zombies; either way, they didn't try to go near Flynt. One of the tanks was nearing the area where the ship was. Its main gun was clearly pointed at the spacecraft.
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