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READ ME Future of Nepleslia - POLL

Who Will Succeed Koenig808 as Faction Manager of the Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
REMINDER: Your votes are your own. You must not feel any sort of shame or intimidation as to who you vote for, nor should the candidates feel any shame or ill-feelings towards how the votes go.
Good gravy, Lamb all the way as I know for a fact you can contact him very very often on Skype when he's trucking for hours. People constantly talk about drama coming from others not being willing to talk to each other and going around one another but there's no excuse for that happening with Lamb.

I think Kampfer is perfectly fine as far as I know because if you need to contact him you can always Skype him and I see him say something on #sarpfree pretty much every single day so as long as he's accessible I don't think it matters at all how many posts he makes on the site. Also, I think he has great values and a great mentality which might sound silly but I've never heard of him obsessing over something trivial or really getting mad at anyone and I highly doubt he's the type of person that would support drama. I know there are people he doesn't like but instead of getting bitter fixating on them silently he has a laugh on Skype about them. Also also, he's not someone who will say "your rights end where my feelings begin" or act with that attitude and decide to ignore people just because they don't agree with him.

I think how active he is post wise is irrelevant as he works with people to get things done and he allows people to pretty much do whatever they want as far as I know as long he thinks it's not going strongly against Nepleslia's image. I think he seems really detached from the site but having a person who is distanced from drama as the supreme authority of a faction is great since it means he can mediate in an unbiased fashion when really passionate invested people beneath him might treat any opposition to their ideas as something personal or just a pesky inconvenience.

Anyone who might replace him could be pitching ideas to him daily and potentially have the same effect as if they were FM. If people can't handle having to run ideas past someone then they can't handle being a FM.

I've never heard him whine about people and what I see/hear him do is just shake his head and ask why when he thinks someone is being ridiculous.

Ultimately if people can question Kampfer's validity as Nepleslian FM and possibly suggest a person who was banned through majority vote should be the new one then I think I have to nominate myself as I played a Nepleslian six trillion years ago and made like 5 posts before the plot I was in died.

I will make Nepleslia great again.

It will be the most luxurious pristine faction in the universe. Lemme tell ya. See I know people. Tons of people. Luxurious people. Tremendous people. And I tell it like it is.

Yamatai is using Nepleslia as a dumping ground for its most uncute catgirls! We aren't getting their best and uguuest! They want them gone! They figure oh, hey, let's make 'em their problem. They're criminals and rapists and they only take 3 weeks to make a tractor beam baby. Think of all the jobs they'll steal! They already speak fluent Yamataian upon birth. What reason will they have to learn Trade when they can just out breed the competition?

Joining a military coalition? What happened to Nepleslian exceptionalism? If we don't lead it there's no point to it. We aren't some beta cuck federation of planets.

I'm the biggest military supporter there is. Lemme tell ya. I will make our military so strong we'll never have to use it.

If I'm elected FM I will force Yamatai to build a glorious, tremendous giant litter box unlike anything you've ever seen before so they can keep their shit to themselves.

I'm sorry catgirls but you gotta go back.

I don't care about political correctness or optimal post formatting. I don't care about just making sure I don't ruffle Wes' feathers and I don't obsess over doing that either. You know what I do? It's so simple. Really. Really it is. I think about WINNING. I don't care if I step on a few toes in the process. Nepleslia needs people who want to win. Our current Nepleslian representatives have forgotten all about that. Kampfer's a tremendous guy. Make no mistake. But, lemme tell ya, he ain't no Amaryllis.

You know why people like me? Because I'm real. I'm authentic. I see what is happening to this faction and I'm not afraid to say it. Some people don't like my tone. They go, "Amaryllis, I don't like your tone. I can't comprehend the difference between facetiousness and sarcasm. I didn't even know facetious was a word!" To them I say read a dictionary.

You wanna know my opinion? Of course you do. Otherwise you wouldn't be reading this luxurious, extravagant post. We need tone. We need gravitas. We need someone who will fight to make this faction the classiest most tremendous faction the site has ever known.

And another thing, why is everyone so worried about this Wes guy? I don't even know who this guy is. Why don't you ask him? Here's his phone number.
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I voted for Cadetnewb.
  • Cadetnewb has been Nepleslian FM before and I thought he did a pretty good job. He's active in Nepleslian RP and has a strong "presence" on the site and is concerned about the future of the site as a whole. I've know him a long time and I think he's a good guy.
  • Lamb is extremely awesome and has the sort of humor that could make Nepleslia even more fun to be part of, but doesn't have that strong "presence" of being around posting on the site and in the shoutbox. He seems to be mainly active in YSE plots, although it just might be because Nep plots are not as active.
  • Archander is highly active and seems like a great guy to me, although I don't know him all that well since he joined earlier this year. He seems to be a generalist and his hands are in almost every active faction on the site but has less of a focus on Nepleslia based on his recent posting activity.
None of the choices are bad, but I had to go with the one that seemed the most invested in Nepleslia.
Yeah, my votes for Cadet too. He goes out of his way to inform his plots of anything that's being brought upto discussion about Nepleslia and keeps us all upto date with the going ons. He even encourages everyone to speak up about their opinions in the topics. If such a trend continues as the FM then it'd be pretty close to the ideal set up between FMs GMs and players if you ask me. I don't really think there's anyone more invested in making Nepleslia something that everyone participating wants.
Kampfer isn't leaving being an FM yet. This poll is about who will succeed him in the event of if he does leave or for whatever reason vanishes or something like that. This isn't for who will take over right now. The other thread explains that.
Also, just noticed this:
Ultimately if people can question Kampfer's validity as Nepleslian FM and possibly suggest a person who was banned through majority vote
Let me just squash this conspiracy theory immediately. First, Zack is currently being treated as a "new player" due to being gone for so long. He's currently not eligible for any staff position including tech mod or faction manager. Certainly not FM of Nepleslia. His only active character right now is in Yamatai. Nobody has even suggested him for FM of Nepleslia. So don't try to bring that type of BS into a thread where Kampfer is making a mature and noble gesture for the good of his faction. Kampfer being asked to think about a replacement FM for Nepleslia has literally nothing to do with Zack's return, and everything to do with Kampfer's post history over the last few months.

Let me break it down for people what happened:

After waiting for days for responses to plot proposals and FM approvals, I went to see if Kampfer was still actually active. Looking at his post history, I found Kampfer only posted on the forum:
  • 2 times this month before I PMed him.
  • 1 time in the entire month of August
  • 3 times in July
  • 2 times in June
  • 3 times in May
So at the time I talked to Kampfer, he'd not posted more than 3 times in any of the last 5 months. Furthermore, several posts were one-word approvals and the last RP was in June (reply to a news post) or July (posting in an RP thread). In August he barely scraped by getting automatically removed via SARP's abandonment policies.

In light of this extremely low activity, last week I sent him a PM that asked if maybe we should consider putting someone more active in charge. In response, Kampfer, thinking of the best interests of the Nepleslian faction, has bravely stepped up on his own to start the search for a replacement.
My vote is also for Cadet, He has been the one most invested of the three in Nepleslia, he's consistently been involved with them being one of the few plots ran in the Nepleslian System.
Kampfer is active elsewhere Wes. We chat a lot on IRC and such. Post counts do not necessirally mount for how active Kampfer is in his role.
On the note of availability, I honestly can't name a single time I needed to get a hold of Kampfer, and couldn't. He might not be omnipresent on the forums, but if you PM him on here or the IRC, I don't think I've ever waited more than a day or so to get a response, and usually way less than that on the IRC.
We chat a lot on IRC and such. Post counts do not necessirally mount for how active Kampfer is in his role.
Okay, but IRC is not part of our site. Only activity on Star Army counts as activity on Star Army, if that makes sense.

My current dilemma is someone asks something about Nepleslia, and Kampfer doesn't answer for days, so the next option is Kokuten, the Co-FM, but Kokuten is out to sea on a ship somewhere in the ocean. I feel like on most days no one is at the wheel of Nepleslia and that bothers me. So we definitely need to poll, even if Kampfer is staying as FM, we need an active Co-FM.

Edit: I hereby remove Kokuten from the Co-FM position, as he hasn't visited the boards since March.
I don't think we should remove Kokuten as the Co-FM <.< Firstly, I don't believe in someone not involved in Nepleslia as an FM/Co-FM should overturn the FM's opinion on whom their Co-FM's are in the first place unless it somehow effects the site (Which Kokuten being a figurehead is not actually hurting anything, he's just incapable of being here at the time). I don't believe he should be removed, just because his military job keeps him from being here... If he was the actual FM, then yeah he would need to be removed, but he's Co-FM, which means it doesn't really matter if he's active or not.

We do need an active Co-FM however, along with Kokuten imho.
I'm with Semjax there. Kokuten signed on with the military, gave plenty of notice, and passed the reigns on to Kampfer since he couldn't be active for a while. Unless Kampfer feels like Koku needs to be removed, it doesn't seem right to remove someone from a secondary position when they DID give notice that they were going to be spotty at best.

On the IRC note, you do realize that the star army channels on the IRC have, on average, about twice as many SARPers present at any given time as the site does? Let alone the Shoutbox? Saying that being active on there "doesn't matter" is basically saying that no-OOC activity anywhere matters, since the IRC is far more active on a day to day basis than any of the OOC parts that ARE on the site. And you're the one who REMOVED the IRC link (against the wishes of a decent number of people, too), so it seems like a bit of a spurious argument there.
Our site policy is that only people active in the last 30 days can hold any sort of leadership position, such as GM, FM, etc. The "why" they are gone doesn't matter for this, but it does if they come back (people who were absent for things like car accidents, deployments, and stuff can resume their old jobs right away, but for people who just disappeared for no reason, there's a waiting period).
Okay, but IRC is not part of our site. Only activity on Star Army counts as activity on Star Army, if that makes sense.
Well that just seems like you're going to sabotage the quality of your own site by creating false images of real availability. It's wasted potential. Using logic like this you might end up with the person that best fits your ideals but isn't the most liked/wanted person by the actual people underneath him. And the logic used to say Kampfer isn't committed enough can be used against the same people who might claim he can't be contacted. If they can't be bothered to use IRC or Skype or whatever then how much do they really want/need his help and how much does it matter to them and how committed are they? I wouldn't worry too much about new players being disinclined to stay around and create things and be future GMs and whatnot if they can't be bothered to use IRC when it's something they don't even need to install. I thought this site used to have IRC built into it too.
I have to agree with Mary and Aendri on this one, to say that IRC is not part of Star Army, is a really flawed thought. A lot of people are active on Star Army's IRC.

The shoutbox is nice and all, but in the end its better to incorporate both the IRC and Shoutbox into your design wes, because not everyone gets on Shoutbox, and not everyone gets on IRC, but they are both used in a manner to keep contact with people. To negate one, simply because the other exists, is going to lower the quality of SARP as a total.
I vote 'Other', because I see no reason for Koenig808/Kampfer to step down, plus, all them other folks are not in sync with the Nepleslian mindset. Everything has been fine, will be fine, and is fine with Koenig808 at the helm. Anyone who thinks he is unable to fulfill his position, anyone who doubts him, and anyone who fails to respect the fact that he has made the faction the most stable it has been since its inception needs to kindly step back, think it over, and then promptly punch themselves in the groin.

Furthermore, post history means crap. Kampfer has an excellent availability over the IRC, and has done plenty to work with his playerbase in 1 on 1 communications. Also, if we're going to start ousting people from their positions based upon posting history, we're going to have a lot of factions with no faction manager, including my own.

PS: Don't you even begin to look at my faction with those hungry eyes, don't, you, freaking, look.

EDIT: Furthermore, I don't think there's room to say a damn thing about IRC not being part of this community, considering our roots go back to YIM chats, and some of our best conflict resolution is done over Skype.