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RP Hello Cousin, its me your Cousin


Staff Member
🎨 Media Gallery
RP Date
Ye 41
RP Location
Sirrus VI
It was Morning when Nyx found herself walking the halls of the ship Atlas once more. The last time the Gynoid had walked the halls, she discovered the area where everyone Sparred or trained, of course, as a machine she didn’t get anything, she didn’t get stronger, or more powerful, but she did get to see how she’d fare against a strong opponent. She thought that she could make a friend, something her creator would have wanted, so she decided to walk the halls, and look for new people to meet, for her socialization development. She did remember, that there were a few members who were machines like her, so she decided she would try and find one.

Chlorate happened to be in an Onsen at the time. She wasn't entirely sure what the purpose of the Onsen was yet, and she didn't know how sitting in it benefitted her, but perhaps that was why she was there. Experiencing being in the onsen might explain to her what its purpose was.

Her audio sensors picked up sounds of water? Was someone having a bath? No, she was certain that the origins of this sound didn’t come from the showers, so she turned to where her ears heard it, and followed the sounds to the Onsen, where she discovered Chlorate. “Greetings sister” She said.as she scanned the area, wondering at the purpose of this area. Her attention went back to Chlorate.

Chlorate's head peeked out of the water, with her robotic body hidden below the surface, as if she were the Loch Chlo Monster. At first, her eyes panned around the room, to confirm it was indeed her who was being referred to as sister and to see if anyone else had said that. Her search verified that it was the gynoid looking at her who had said the greeting, and it also led her to the conclusion that the other gynoid was talking to none other than her. Chlorate responsed by looking at her confusedly and asking "I am your sister? Have Mark Oaklen and Koroleva adopted you too?" The robot's question sounded genuine, it was clear she was not being sarcastic- not that Chlorate knew what sarcasm was.

Nyx’s head noisily tilted in response to Chlorate’s words, it seemed she created some confusion within the other. “I have not yet met Mark Oaklen or Koroleva, but their profile is within my databanks, for my use. Are you not a member of Section 6, or as it is now called New Dusk conclave, if you are, then we are sisters,” she shrugged her shoulders as if it was the most obvious thing ever. “According to my data, they are held in high regard, I was created by Isabelle Pine, the head engineer,” she told her. She soon turned her head to the water. “Is that comfortable?’ she asked her.as her sensors observed the higher temperature. She wasnt sure how anyone could find that comfortable, but humans did have different bodies, and they were very diverse.

"Affirmative, I am a member of Section 6," Chlorate robotically replied. She noted that Nyx was created by Isabelle, and after a second of thinking, asked "If you were created by Isabelle Pine, does that not make you my cousin? If you are Isabelle Pine's daughter, you are also Jack Pine's daughter, therefore Mark Oaklen is your uncle, and I am the daughter of your uncle." Chlorate was caught on the contradiction, unsure of how she could be both the gynoid's cousin and also her sister. And then she was asked about how comfortable the water was. Chlorate opened her mouth to speak, but rather that producing words, she made a singular quiet beep instead. She didn't find the water uncomfortable, but at the same time, she wasn't sure what made something comfortable. In order to give a response, Chlorate rather randomly stated "I do not know," and then the metal and plastic girl followed up with "Define comfortable?"

Nyx had confirmation that Chlorate was a member of Section 6, so in response, she was going to say then she is her sister, but she was suddenly given new information, which momentarily was causing a problem of her own, as she found herself unable to process this information for almost a minute she was unsure how to categorize cousin, then she wasn’t sure how it fit with her designation until she decided to ‘roll’ with it, setting Cousin up as a special designation, that Chlorate would have. She found herself out of danger again. “I understand, you are not my sister, but my Cousin, I find this acceptable” she told her, before her head tilted when she heard the beep. The sound sounded like something a machine would make, not an organic at least as far as she knew. “There are three definitions related to Comfortable, though the one that appears appropriate here, is related to the word comfort: a satisfying or enjoyable experience”

"I have not offended you by explaining what a cousin is, have I?" Chlorate asked, worried she might've made Nyx feel like she was being distanced. She looked at her machine body under the ripples of the water, formulating what to say about the Onsen. She admitted "I am unsure what the purpose of this collection of water is. It would seem it is used by sitting in it, but I do not know how this is meant to be satisfying or enjoyable. I do not find it uncomfortable, but I do not understand what it accomplishes."

Her companion was concerned that she had offended her, and she found that kind of her. “No, I am unable to be offended by Explanations, I had received a logic error within my subroutines that conflicted, I was programmed to refer to everyone except my creator as either brother or sister, The new designation conflicted with that, but I believe I have settled things successfully’ she told her as she moved forward, and stepped into the Onsen. She observed the water, before choosing to sit down. “I do not understand it either, perhaps it would be best if we asked around."

"Understood!" Chlorate said, moving to get up so she could ask someone outside. The metal soles of her robotic shoes clanked against the floor of the Onsen, the clank sound was even slightly audible from above the surface of the water. Her plastic-clad metal body rose out of the water, and it became clear her yellow irises were really glowing, it was no illusion. Her gynoid body was definitely mechanical and electronic, not organic.

It seems that it was time for them to leave, after all, she did say it would be best if they asked their comrades about the Onsen and the purpose of it. She chose to get up as well, due to the fact that it wouldn’t help her to stay. As her conversation companion had gotten up, she immediately took note of her cousin’s body, and that’s what she had said previously made her realize exactly who she had been talking to. “Process complete, you are Chlorate, though it would be far more difficult to figure my identity out, I am the S6 unit NX27-C09 but I have been programmed to respond to Nyx to make t easier to communicate with. “ She told her as they walked together to find who they were looking for.

"Affirmative, I am Chlorate," Chlorate responded. Her feet clanked noisily on the ground as they walked. "Would you prefer to be referred to as the S6 unit NX27-C09 or Nyx?" the white-haired robot asked, not realizing "the S6 unit" wasn't part of her name. Chlorate's servos whirred as the female android looked around for someone else who might be nearby.

Nyx scanned the area, as her ears swiveled in place, as she tried to listen in on any approaching people. The sounds she currently heard came from Chlorate, however, so she chose to ignore that as she focused on the people who made a little less noise than she had. “I believe Nyx would be preferable.." She told her cousin as the two walked Her hands moved behind her, her right hand holding onto her left hand.

"Understood," Chlorate said, clanking away from the Onsen.

Nyx remained silent since she was unsure what to add to the current topic that hasn’t been said before. “Do you think we will stay on this world, for the rest of the years that we remain Functional?” she asked as a random question entered her processor.

Chlorate beeped and stopped, which paused to the clanking sounds her feet were making. The robot took a moment to process the question, before responding "Well... There is a high probability we will leave this world for various reasons on occassion, but as for if we will leave this world permanently before... going offline for any reason..." A rattling noise could be heard from Chlorate, from shuddering at the thought. "I do not know..."

Nyx nodded her head, she should have realized this question would be a question that would be a difficult one to answer, though she thought that since Chlorate was older than her, Chlorate might have figured it out. “I see’ she said in response to her statement, as her mind processed what she should say next. Unfortunately, this meant there was an awkward silence as she thought. Suddenly words popped into her Hud, ask about the Leadership” You have spoken to Jack previously correct? if you have what is he like?

"Affirmative, he is, um..." Chlorate responded. She thought hard about how to describe him, but it was difficult to describe a person. "He is organic, he looks like father except he has white hair. He is understanding, but I do not know how to accurately describe a person," she admitted.

Nyx listened as Chlorate described their leader and the one that’s technically her dad. She could calculate how many section 6 personnel were organic, she could assume Jack was one of them, though it was her cousin’s description of Jack looking like Chlorate’s dad only with gray hair that was telling, perhaps one of the two were clones. “Understanding, that is an acceptable description if I do say so myself,” she told Chlorate as she walked with her.

"I see..." Chlorate said, clanking again. "Have you spoken to Jack Pine previously?" the android asked, curious since she asked about him. Chlorate thought it would be unusual if Nyx hadn't spoken to Jack before, given that Isabelle had created her, but if that was the case, then Chlorate wondered why the other gynoid had asked about Jack.

Nyx shook her head “no, He is busy as our leader I didn’t want to disturb him, since my purpose in my meeting would have been more personal, rather than duty. I was concerned about how I would go about him and what he would be like. I do know though that he asked Isabelle pine to create me, not me specifically, but an AI all the same.

"Affirmative..." Chlorate said, surprised. "I have observed him talking to people frequently, I do not think it would be harmful to talk to him. It is unlikely he is busy 100% of the time. He has other children as well, so it is probable he would be able to speak to you, in fact, most likely frequently as well. My father is a leader as well and he still has a significant amount of time available to converse with me, though I am connected to his geist," she explained.

As Nyx listened as Chlorate spoke more about Jack Pine, she discovered that the more the other Gynoid spoke, the more her worries were going away. She learned that he had other children, which meant these would be her true brothers or sisters. She hadn’t met them, yet, something she will have to deal with later, but Jack might be interested in talking to her. If Chlorate was right, and she hoped she was, then she made a note in her Objectives HUD that she should try to get a chance to talk to him. “Hmm, Then I shall have to see about going and talking to him then, “ she told her.

"I believe that would be an optimal goal," the robot made of black metal and white plastic said. After looking around, she said "I do not know who to ask about the purpose of the heated collection of water."

“I agree,” she said in response to Chlorate’s first statement about it being an optimal goal. She thought it was a good goal to have as well. As the two walked, time has passed and they eventually found someone to ask about the ‘heated collection of water’ She, in particular, learned that it was called an Onsen and that that particular collection was made so that they could sit, the head and the warmth helps the body a great deal, and it was relaxing, especially after a hard days work. She realized that since Nyx herself didn’t have the specific sensors she couldn’t enjoy it, but Chlorate’s Emma form could with a few upgrades and fixes. As they now walked, alone together, she couldn’t help but state “Fascinating, what the Human body can use to help it”

"Affirmative," Chlorate said. "Human bodies are very... different from mine. They do not directly run on electricity and they are squishy," the mechanical girl commented. "Some of their... functions- though I do not know if that would be the correct term, seem very strange. I do not understand why temperature significantly affects their feelings and performance."

Nyx nodded her head in response to preprogrammed triggers. “Indeed they are squishy as you say, perhaps that’s why they have power armor, and armor. Those things are pretty hard to hit, with basic weapons. “ she stated to Chlorate before she listened as she spoke “I suppose they are odd to us” she commented as she tried to think “perhaps their bodies have advanced sensors that affect their emotions much more?” she asked her.

"Affirmative, their bodies are less durable and that is likely why they use power armor when fighting. But their sensors... I do not think their sensors are necessarily more advanced, it is more likely they happen to affect them in different ways. I believe my sensors are more advanced since I am able to gather more accurate and precise data with them, but I do not perform at lower efficiency when they are not giving me an 'optimal' input. It is more physical factors that affect my efficiency. I find it unusual that non-optimal input to humans' sensors can cause them to perform less efficiently even if there are no factors physically affecting them in a significant way," Chlorate explained. The machine was unsure as to how Nyx's sensors were, so she based her input on the matter upon herself.

Nyx felt happy that Chlorate agreed with her about their organic comrades wearing power armor, though the older Gynoid did disagree with her about the advanced sensors, but then neither one of the two Gynoids knew about the body of their comrades so she didn’t take it personally. As she listened to Chlorate talk, she remembered something, something that could explain things about their comrades more clearly. “Indeed, I believe you are correct, and I also have advanced sensors, though not extra ones like the Emma type Gynoids we see around us, I believe there is a component we are forgetting about, Emotions, these seem to be powerful, I admit there is a chance that I have them too but many of our Machine kind don’t though.

"That is possible," Chlorate commented. "I have emotions, but I do not yet fully understand them." Chlorate paused for a moment, though the clanks from her metal-soled feet ensured it wasn't silent. She then noted "I am in an EM-J2-2a Emma Type 36A Gynoid body at this moment, but mine has been modified."

Nyx soon discovered something about her cousin, she too had emotions, but she did not fully understand them. Then she was told that she was in an EM-J2-2a Emma Type 36A Gynoid body, and that she had learned it was modified. “I think there had been talk of having my AI in such a body as well, before it was decided to put me in a different body. As for my emotions, I think… yes, I am happy, in processing the situation, I believe I am pleased because I am talking to you, I gained a new friend, but also discovered a new family member” she told her. “I have been led to believe having friends is an important part of a social development, so I am happy we are succeeding.”

"I believe that is correct," Chlorate said, suddenly smiling. The electronic girl was actually kind of excited inside- She never had a family member who was another robot before. She wasn't the only AI anymore. Her family was getting large, but Chlorate didn't really realize it. Mark and Kikios were the only family members she had before arriving at Section 6, so she had no idea how big the ordinary family was. On the other hand, either way, this family was probably anything but ordinary.

The feeling that Nyx felt on seeing Chlorate’s smile if she had to give that a name, it would likely be a Happiness. She felt pleased on seeing the smile, because she knew it meant that her cousin was happy, or at least a positive emotion which could have been excited too since that was how Nyx felt, and Chlorate believed her to be correct though, so perhaps Chlorate felt the same. “Alright, then Cousin, any activity you wish to try a hand in?” she asked her.

Chlorate misunderstood the expression, and said "I do not know, I am already satisfied with using my current hands," looking at her black metal robotic hands.

Nyx made a noise that some humans did when they were confused about something before she realized her mistake “oh, my apologies it appears I used an expression incorrectly, I meant to ask I there was an activity you have heard of, but never participated in? I myself have been hearing a lot of our comrade's admiration and respect for these games called Sports, but I have never participated, sadly I have no information.”

"Oh..." Chlorate said. "I have never taken part in any of the sports. I have heard about some, but I do not know what they are about. Are there any of the sports within proximity of this area?" she asked, completely clueless about what sports were suppose to be.

Nyx’s mind was soon filled with new information that surprised her, she was certain that Chlorate had participated, but then, Nyx just assumed, and it was likely she was being rude because of it. “Hmm.. perhaps, we should ask our parents?’ she asked her “I myself was able to participate in a sparring match because I found the area by chance, perhaps if our parents don’t know, we could discover the locations much the same way?’ she asked her “admittedly, based on what I have been told it might be fun o play a type of Base..ball game with you if you were interested of course.

Chlorate looked around, now searching for anything with the word "sport" on it. "I do not know what a baseball game is, but I would be interested in playing it. I am curious to see how they were able to make a game out of a base that is shaped like a ball," she said, clearly knowing nothing about the sport. "Do you see any areas nearby in which this baseball game may be practiced?" she asked her cousin.

Nyx noted Chlorate’s actions how she seemed to look around. She figured her cousin was trying to look for an area for sports. Unfortunately, since she didn’t know what a baseball area looked like she didn’t know. So she began taking Chlorate’s word as fact, perhaps a baseball was a base that was shaped like a ball. “No, unfortunately I do not” she said as she glanced around, before spotting a makeshift basketball court. This was after she walked a little. “Hmm.,” she said, noting there were no people there.

Chlorate's servos whirred as she followed Nyx's line of sight to the potential sports-playing-area. Her luminescent yellow irises gazed at it for a minute, before she asked "Would that area be suitable?" while pointing to it with her mechanical arm and hand.

Nyx approached, then scanned the court with her eyes. “I do not believe this to be a baseball court,” she said as she picked up a ball, and she got a ding sound. “There was one sport that has baskets and balls on it, and together we could play a special game, and since you and I are advanced machines we could be evenly matched,” she told her, as she lifted the ball, then as if she was tossing a grenade she tossed the ball and watched it, hit the net and fall through the basket. “Yes, I believe this could be suitable,” she told her.

"Affirmative..." Chlorate said, staring at the net. "How is this special game played?" she asked.

Nyx watched the ball bounce, and roll back towards them. She picked up the ball, before she turned to Chlorate again. “well, from what I a have heard, we each have to get this ball into the net, if it hits the net, but falls outside it not in, we have to use a letter that starts of a word for an animal, if we managed to get all the letters, we lose,but if we managed to get the ball into the basket, the person wins I think.”

"I see..." Chlorate said. She watched the ball, then clanked over and picked it up. She scanned the net, analyzing its distance and direction, and proceeded to throw the ball at the hoop. The ball went in on her first shot, though she seemed disappointed when it made its way through the net. "Oh no, it seems it fell out of the basket," she beeped.

Nyx tilted her head a little, she saw it go through as well. Silently she walked towards the net, then observed the hole that was there. “hmm..” she said silently as she observed this, and processed what she had seen. ‘There appears to be a hole.” she commented

Chlorate tilted her head as well, looking at the net as the ball stopped its bouncing on the ground. "Perhaps it is a damaged basket?" she theorized. "Maybe that is why no one else is here."

Nyx nodded her head to her statement “I believe you are correct, the Basket is damaged, and because of that, no one is able to play the game, thus no one uses it, a shame I was really looking forward to trying it out with you” she said and turned to Chlorate.

Chlorate made a sad beep, looking up at the basket. "I was as well, it is unfortunate this basket is apparently not maintained. I do not understand what the purpose of having this apparatus here is if it cannot be used," she said, disappointed.

Nyx thought and processed the information she had before her. The apparatus appeared to have a broken net. She glanced to the ball, silently, then back to the basket again. “I got It, we go to a library full of information, we search for information on Basketball so that we know what it looks like, that way when we return we can repair it, as part of our initiative. Once we succeed in repairs, we can tell people, that we repaired it, so they can play and have fun and word would likely come back to our parents, and they would likely be proud of us,” she told her as she placed a hand gently on Chlorate’s shoulder, as a means to comfort her, as she had seen done before.

"Affirmative! I believe this would be a favorable plan!" Chlorate announced. Chlorate was excited at the thought that they could repair the net and make their parents proud. "Where do we begin the process?" she asked Nyx.

Nyx was pleased that Chlorate liked her idea, but now they needed the tools to make repairs. “I do know, that Mother uses tools to make repairs to both us, and anything else, I do have a box of tools back at my room, but we may need more. I say we begin by looking at an actual picture of that,” she points at what they thought was a broken Basketball hoop. “I recommend one of us to look in the library that was recently set up. Search for anything and everything related to Basketball, and how to make repairs. We could split up so that we can complete the objective quickly, but I am fine with tagging along if you wish to.”

Chlorate realized Nyx said basketball instead of baseball this time, and made a confused beep. "Was this game not called baseball?" she asked, not knowing this was a different game.

Nyx tilted her head in confusion a moment, She looked at the basket, then the ball “I thought so, but I think I got confused on seeing that, it does look a little like a Basket, doesn’t it? perhaps, Baseball, is a different sport?”

"That is probable, I see a ball here, but no base," Chlorate said. "But if that is the case, then what is baseball?"

Nyx shrugged her shoulders as she had seen done before. “I have no idea, unless. That’s just a game, played only in the base, where the climate outdoors is hazardous or perhaps when we are in space?’ she asked her.

"I thought it was a game played with a ball that is also a base, somehow. I am unsure how a base can be made into a ball, unless it is a chemical base," Chlorate said.

Nyx found her head nodding in agreement to her cousin’s words “perhaps, chemicals do seem to be able to take the form of something round if using certain tools. “

"I suppose that could explain it, but why does such a ball necessarily have to be a base? What purpose does it serve?" Chlorate asked, trying to imagine scenarios for an entertaining game that would specifically require a chemical base shaped like a ball to work.

Nyx shrugged her shoulders in response to Chlorate’s questions. She didn’t have the answers to the questions. She turned to the direction they had been walking “we need more information, unfortunately, I do not have this information within me.”

"I see..." Chlorate said. "I believe this means the next logical step is to locate the library. Would you happen to know where it is?" the clanky gynoid asked.

Nyx nodded her head, then closed her optics “one moment…” she said then spoke again “Library location close to us. In… that direction,” she pointed towards the base but to the left.

"Understood," Chlorate reported. Her head jerked to face the direction Nyx had pointed to, and her body followed by turning to align with it. "Are you capable of flight?" she asked the other gynoid.

Chlorate acknowledged her direction, and she too looked in that direction. She knew there was where they will find information on what they sought and honestly, she felt pleased that they were doing something together. She soon turned her head back to Chlorate when she asked indeed’ she confirmed, and then her wings spread out from behind her. One pair came up from behind her, which wouldn’t shock Chlorate since it was likely she had seen Isabelle before, but the second pair of wings came up after. “Would you like me t carry you back?” she asked her though she was unsure if she could carry her.

Chlorate beeped as she watched the wings spread out from the back of Nyx. She was surprised at Nyx's question, unsure why she would need to be carried back. "I do not have a preference," the clanky android stated, "but I do not understand the purpose of being carried back over returning normally."

At Chlorate’s words, Nyx was told she didn’t have a preference, but it was what she had said next confused her. Perhaps she had been wrong. “My apologies cousin, when you asked about my ability to fly I had thought you wanted to go for a flight. It appears I may be incorrect, we can walk back as normally” she said to her and turned, walking back to where she knew a library as located.

"You are not incorrect," Chlorate said, apparently following Nyx as her voice wasn't getting quieter but not making her usualy clanking sound. She could be seen hovering just above the ground next to her cousin.

Nyx blinked when she was told that she hadn’t been mistaken, and as she walked back, she realized her cousin wasn’t clanking as she had heard before. She turned her head to look at her cousin, and noticed her Hovering. Her wings spread out once more, and she took to the air, now the two were flying back. In all honesty, she shouldn’t be surprised that Chlorate could fly.

"What is your prefered top speed?" Chlorate asked rather suddenly. Despite the lack of wings, she was still there in the air, flying alongside Nyx, trying to match her flight speed. It was an unusual sight come to think of it- no thrusters, no wings, no rotors, it didn't look like she could fly, but apparently she was able to.

Nyx looked to her cousin as she was asked what her preferred top speed was. It took what seemed almost like an hour for her to speak before she did so. “I do not really have a preferred top speed, actually I don’t believe have been timed to see how fast I am able to go,” she told her. then added “I did not think to set that up on my HUD either.

"Would you like me to record it now? I could calculate your top speed and acceleration by analyzing the distance you travel in a set amount of time with my sensors." Chlorate offered.

Nyx glanced towards her cousin and processed her question and her statement. In all honesty, she found herself feeling more excited about this than going to go look for information on the sports they had been speaking about. “Hmm.. Yes, let us do that,” she told her cousin finally and pointed to a building “let us use that as a starting point shall we?” she asked.

Chlorate beeped as her eyes looked at the building, before they locked on to Nyx. "Affirmative, I am prepared to start when you are ready," she announced.

Nyx got into position and prepared herself, and then took off flying as fast as she was able to do so. Of course, since she wasn’t wearing her armor with the Jetpack, she was probably much slower than when she was wearing it.

Chlorate attempted to match her speed, staring directly at her. After a while, Chlorate finally reported "I have calculated your top speed."

Nyx found she enjoyed flying like this, as fast as she was able to, but she knew she would have to be careful and to watch where she was going. When Chlorate told her she had calculated her top speed, she slowed down, then to a stop so that she didn’t stop suddenly and bump into Chlorate. She turned to her cousin.

"You have achieved a maximum speed of 20.5981624 miles per hour," Chlorate stated. The gynoid was a bit puzzled by this, as Nyx's body looked like it was more suited for flight than hers, but her own top flight speed was 50 miles per hour. Curious as to why, she asked "What propulsion system do you utilize for flight?"

Nyx nodded her head in agreement when she had heard the numbers. She honestly suspected it was that or at least much lower since she felt slower than when she was in her power armor. Soon another question came. “I use these wings to fly, but I also have an anti-gravity device and my own jumping t get me in the air,” she said to Chlorate.

"I see..." Chlorate beeped. "I utilize an EM-J2-P3600 Gravity Manipulation System to fly in this body." She looked down at her EM-J2-2a Emma chassis. Without a doubt, it was noticably modified, the obvious giveaway being a more robotic appearance without synthetic skin below her neck, but there were also a few other differences such as her glowing irises. Regardless, her body still used most of the internal components of an Emma, including upgrades designed for the Servitor android.

Nyx nodded her head in agreement to her cousin’s words and then listened as Chlorate told her something about her that she hadn’t known. Namely the type of gravity manipulation system she was using. Her mind processed this information before she turned her mechanical eyes to look over Chlorate’s body. “I see,” she said in response as her mind continued to process the information. "How fast of a speed are you capable of re

"My maximum speed while in flight using the Gravity Manipulation System is 50 miles per hour," Chlorate stated in response to her cousin's inquiry.

Nyx nodded her head “your faster than I am, without the power armor’ she told her as they hovered in mid-air. “I enjoy flying, someday though, I plan on getting a starship and fly that in space.” she said.

"I see," Chlorate said, asking "What is your maximum speed with power armor?"

Nyx thought a moment “the Max atmospheric Speed was 45 miles per hour,” she said to her cousin, on the ground can meet a 30 miles per hour speed. “ She told her She thought of playing tag with her cousin, but she remembered that they were heading someplace with access to a Database.

"Affirmative," Chlorate replied, the two robots now arriving at the library, as Chlorate's feet touched the ground with a clink. The gynoid looked up at the building, and then asked "Is this the library you were referring to?"

Nyx touched down after her cousin, then she allowed her wings to lower and then go into their rested state, where she placed them back so that they weren’t in the way as she walked forward. “Indeed, I believe so,” she told her cousin and proceeded forward towards the building.

Chlorate's feet loudly clanked on the ground as she walked towards the building, they were definitely going to be disruptive to the silence of the library.

Nyx could hear the noise Chlorate was making, but because she hadn’t actually been to a library before, she didn’t know about the rules there. The doors opened when the sensors detected someone or something approaching. As she looked around, she saw how huge the place was, “alright” she said to her cousin “I believe I see terminals over there, and there, are books.” she said pointing them both out before she turned to her cousin “would you like to take a look through the computers?” she asked her “I’ll go through the shelves to take a look at the books.”

Chlorate's loud feet stepped into the library, not quieting down. This not only attracted the attention of several readers, but also a librarian who was less than satisfied to hear the disturbance. "Affirmative," Chlorate replied to Nyx. Glancing at the computers, she misunderstood Nyx's request, observing they were not see-through. "But the computers are opaque, I do not think it is possible to look through them, unless you would like me to take them apart."

Nyx blinked when she heard her cousin speak, and wondered if perhaps she miss said something. She knew every language, there was in existence, so it’s possible she said something in a different language. “My apologies, I was meaning by saying to go on them, like those two girls and that one is using them,” she said, pointing at the female Separa’shan and Elysian who was looking at something together. The one in question was a boy with cat ears and a cat tail.

Chlorate looked at the people already using the computers and said "Affirmative." She loudly clanked to the computers and sat down, eliciting a wince from the librarian who was unsure if she should get up and ask Chlorate to be quieter, since it wasn't really her fault that she had loud metal-soled feet. Chlorate sat down at the computers and typed at an incredibly rapid pace, searching through the computer for information near-instantly.

With Chlorate using the computers, Nyx added towards the shelves where there were books. Instinctively she had a feeling she should probably go to the S letter since that’s what Sports started with, There was probably a lot more information on the computers than in the books but she was certain she found what she was looking for. She carried these books as she made her way towards Chlorate.

Chlorate ultra-rapidly read through the information about sports on the computer, then paused to look up at Nyx with her electronic eyes. "I believe I have found information on this device," Chlorate reported.

Nyx nodded her head in agreement “as have I” she told her as she indicated the books she carried ”what did you find” she asked her as her ears twitched a little

"I have discovered baseball is played using pieces referred to as bases arranged in a diamond shape around a field. The ball is not actually the base. It is played using a bat, a small ball, a batter, a pitcher, and various catchers and team members. In addition, basketball is indeed a different sport. The basket is intended to have a hole in it, you gain points by throwing the ball such that it falls through the basket, rather than having it stay in the basket," the robo-girl replied.

Nyx nodded her head “indeed, that also seems to be what I have found as well, which means we didn’t need to worry about repairing that net that we have discovered.” She told her cousin. She was a little saddened that it took them going here to realize this, but she had to admit, being there interacting with her cousin was a great thing to do. So with that, she decided that it was alright in the end. “What would you like to do now,” she asked her cousin.

Chlorate was not saddened that they had to come to the library to find out the net was not broken, rather, she thought of it as another step that just happened even if it ended up being unnecessary. "I suppose, if the net is not broken, we can go back to use it to participate in basketball," Chlorate answered.

Nyx nodded her head in agreement “indeed we could do that,” she said, turning herself around and preparing to go place the books back where she found them and returned to Chlorate before walking to the entrance probably getting an odd look from the librarian since they weren’t in there long.

Chlorate loudly followed Nyx, creating one last disruption in the library. The librarian winced as she watched Chlorate and Nyx leave, noticing the readers were staring at them. But at last the loud robot left the library, leaving the bookworms with some peace and quiet once again.

The moment they stepped outside, her wings came up again and she took to the skies, to fly back to their previous position where the basketball and the basket had been located. She did look back to see if Chlorate was following her, so she made sure to wait if she wasn’t ready to do so.

Chlorate was indeed following her as they approached the basketball net. She was much quieter when flying than she was walking because her distinct clanking sound was missing.

Nyx couldn’t help but think how happy their dads would be to see them playing together, knowing they are having fun and socializing. She landed on the ground with a slight clink before she moved towards the basketball, and picked it up. She turned and passed the ball to Chlorate, letting her try for the net since she had previously done so.

Chlorate caught the ball, glanced at the net, and in an instant threw the ball at a trajectory so that it fell through the net. She made the goal effortlessly, it was practically cheating how she was able to calculate an exact way to throw the ball so as to score a goal.

It would indeed be cheating for both of them since they were both Gynoids, but it didn’t matter, because she thought that together they could have fun an equal chance rather than them versus some flesh and blood beings whose reaction time might be slower. As the ball came down, she caught it, and then she tossed it in as she had before and she got the ball into the hoop.

Chlorate got the ball, she grabbed it and hovered up to the hoop before simply dropping it in from mid-air. As she watched the ball fall down through the net, she stared at it, commenting "I am unsure that I understand the purpose of basketball..."

Nyx watched as she clearly cheated, but felt no anger or annoyance at it. “Based upon the fact we need to toss the ball into the hoop, I suspect that the main purpose is to train the accuracy of the players, if they get the ball into the hoop it means that they are skilled in accuracy, plus, from what I know, unlike us, the humans, Separa’shan, and the Tsumi aren’t able to fly, thus they may need to train themselves to meet their target by tossing the ball in that way. In addition, based upon what we have read, I believe the purpose for them is teamwork, It takes them a lot longer to move in sync with each other than it would for us” she said finally.

Hovering above the basketball hoop, Chlorate tilted her head, looking at Nyx. "Does this mean this sport has no purpose for us?" she inquired.

Nyx processed the question and quickly came up with an answer. “Correct, that appears to be the case since we do not need to train our accuracy, and neither do we need to train our athletics either, however, from what I know, perhaps we might have trouble with a SHAM augmented human, like our Aunts and Uncles. They would really make us struggle during play I believe.

"That is possible..." Chlorate contemplated aloud, "But what would be the purpose of intentionally cofiguring a sport so that we struggle during play?"

Nyx thought of the right answer before”because, on an ordinary citizen we would likely win easily, but I won’t be fair to them, but with an Augmented human it would be a bit fairer, at least the Augmented can handle our agility, as well as strength but an ordinary human could not, thus if we win against the Augmented we earned that win, or so my research tells me.” she said to her

"That is likely true, but what is the purpose of earning a win against an augmented person?" Chlorate asked.

Nyx tiled her head ”it would mean that we did not cheat, according to my research, people dislike it immensely when another is cheating, and against an ordinary civilian, our abilities would likely be that, cheating to them. This is something we will need to avoid if my research is any indication.”

"Affirmative, but... If this sport has no purpose for us, then what is the purpose of us playing it?" Chlorate clarified.

Nyx was unsure how to answer for a moment then “for an experiment to see what it’s like to play the game is my guess, but we don’t have to do so if you don’t wish to play.” She told her “I’m fine with doing any activity with you”

"It is not that I do not wish to play, but I do not yet understand the purpose of the game..." the robot said, and then she thought, coming up with an idea, asking "Perhaps playing this game with augmented people will clarify why this game is played?"

Nyx found herself having no answers to her first statement so she remained silent as she turned to observe the basket and the ball. “Indeed, cousin, maybe that will help,” she said, though finding no reason why it wouldn’t.

"Affirmative," Chlorate said. She thought about where they might find people augmented with cybernetics, looking around the basketball court.

Nyx saw her looking around so she did the same seeing no one there, so she came to the conclusion that maybe Augmented people didn’t come there, or know to come there. An idea popped into her head that maybe they should take time to speak to their parents, and see if something can be done.

As Chlorate's scan for augmented people in the area came back negative, she realized there was no one to ask around to play the game with them. "Perhaps..." Chlorate began, checking again to make sure no one else had come, "Another time would be more optimal to play this sport with participants that have augmentations?"

Nyx nodded her head “Agreed perhaps that would be best” she said to her cousin before adding “perhaps if we encounter our dad’s they could assist us with arranging something or letting us know about when the optimal time would be.” she said to her before her wings came up “I think I’d like to return to my quarters and make sure my power cell is at full capacity, what would you like to do?’ he asked her.

"Affirmative, I believe that is a preferable plan," Chlorate said. The machine girl calculated her next response, speaking "I should return to my home as well, I can ask my father for assistance." She knew they wouldn't have enough time today to play a match of the game with more players, and she knew that having additional contestants would require more planning and knowledge of their schedules, so she agreed that their dads could help with arranging a time and finding more players.

Nyx smiled with pleasure as her ears picked up her cousin’s words where she had agreed with her and she nodded her head “agreed” she said, her processor going through the same thoughts as Chlorate, about there not being time now, and that their parents could figure things out a bit better in terms of how many people they could get. “Alright then, we have our plan set. I was really happy to have met you, in person, Chlorate.” she couldn’t help but say as she prepared herself to go.

"I am happy to have met you as well, Nyx," Chlorate responded with a smile. Chlorate turned, floating in the air by the hoop, and hovered away. It was an unusual sight, to see her simply fly away without wings, it looked like some kind of glitch in a video game, only it was real. The robot with white plastic plates on her exterior eventually disappeared into the distance, having gone home to find Mark.
