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SACN Letter of Recommendation


Well-Known Member
To: Ketsurui Hanako Shôshô
From: Candon Suites Nitô Heisho

Dear Hanako-hime

I am writing in regards to the state of the crew of YSS Eucharis. I know it's weird for me to sit in my docked M2-4 for several hours but it truely is the fastest way for me to review the performance of the entire crew.
I shall begin with the Infantry team first.

The mission was sloppy, but in all fairness we really had no idea what we were walking into. Given the circumstances Tsuguka-hei did the best she could and after reviewing the data from Shigefumi-hei's M2-4 several times I am convinced that there was nothing she could do to prevent the casualty and that the fault of death lies solely on the fallen soldier as she failed to stay with the team.

My recommendations for the team are as follows:
• Toyoe Tsuguka Jôtô Hei did her best but I take the death of subordinates very seriously and want to ensure she does the same. Although I cannot blame her for the death of Shigefumi-hei her death could have been avoided should have been focused on her team. I still believe in her potential and will continue grooming her for full command of the squad. As part of her disciplinary action she will attend leadership training, however, this will occur at Kyoto War College. I will sponsor the bill if need be.

• Junko Hasegawa Santô Hei should recieve promotion to Nitô Hei. Her natural skill in squad based combat contributed greatly to the mission.

• Freyja Yuuki should recieve promotion to Nitô Hei. Her combat performance is stable.

• Shiho should recieve promotion to Nitô Hei. Her aggression serves the team well, however her attitude needs to be checked. Will have Toyoe-hei work on that.

• Oshiro Masumi should recieve promotion to Nitô Hei and Tomoyo's Kikyô. The former for her ability to read a situation and independently take action and the latter for the bleeding all over the Med bay.

• Combat award ribbons should be issued due to the presence of combat during the operation.

• Service ribbons should NOT be issued due to the failure of the primary mission objective, that being the extraction of the mainframe. The mission was a failure due to the near destruction of the device.

• On the subject of the death of Astrider Shigefumi Santo Hei and her status with the Infantry team of YSS Eucharis, after careful consideration of her transmitted combat data and a brief discussion with Toyoe-hei I have concluded that Shigefumi-hei does not have enough experience nor focus to be a useful asset to the team. I feel she deserves Tomoyo's Kikyô for losing her life in combat, however, seeing as her death was caused by her own carelessness and lack of focus I feel that she is a liability and detriment to the infantry and will need more experience before qualifying for reapplication to the armor team. As such I am requesting her immediate transference to Fort Minori and have placed a temporary hold on her revival pending your decision to facilitate smoother removal from Eucharis.

• In regards to my own performance I feel that I have earned the Combat Lifesaver award for the rescue of Calidius-Hei. I would also like permission to make small alterations my personal M2-4 when we make port so as to increase close range effectiveness for my own combat style with the intention of submitting my work to SARA.

In regards to the non combat personnel I am impressed with their performance.
My recommendations for the crew are as follows:
• Mehitabel Calidius Santô Hei has shown fantastic initiative volunteering to assist the engineering crew AND infantry team. Her actions, though resulting in my personal injury, we're commendable and worthy of the Red Tessen medal as the duties of a clerk do not extend into the battlefield. A promotion is also in order, should a situation demand it I would prefer for her to have more authority over the lower ranks so as to fully utilize her diverse initiative.

• Daniel Becker Nitô Hei displayed a tremendous feat of engineering to get Eucharis functional again, his actions saved the lives of every member of the crew. Promotion and good conduct medal.

• Jackson Howard is young yet but shows great potential and aptitude in his field. He is definitely worth investing in, I am recommending him for an advanced engineering course sponsorship. On a side note, it slipped my mind that during our mission at the Graxlat shipyard a device that he had fabricated for me helped me out of a tough fight. I believe he deserves the good conduct award for that mission for his willingness to build the device.

In conclusion we did good, just not good enough.
Thank you.
