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RP: Section 6 When in USO do as the Thorns do

"I...thought it would be better to let ya know in person since at one point...well..." Tacticus stammered, putting his fingers together as his wings shifted. "Sorry...I asked Uso to hold off on that memo...I wanted to have better control of the body first..."

Amit hissed at the cyborg but stayed under the table. Course when izzy appeared, he poked his head out from under the table. Great...this wasn't good.

"Over here..." Amit said, coming out from under the table with a sigh.

This wasn't what he wanted to do.
"What? No! I'm as much an adult as you are. Just... Growth inhibitor. Makes me fun sized." A cocked head and another flirty smirk and Thorn was sure she was about to get dropped, especially considering she wasn't sure if the armored plates of her EVA suit's leg would pinch. She was sure it was evident now that she was wearing the armor, at least on her thighs, to fill out the cargo pants, but she didn't know just how observant Sarah was about other people's clothes.

Through half lidded eyes and a sultry tone, a small, scratchy voice and a hilariously tiny woman decided to make another attempt at being flirtatious. This was spurred by Sarah's blush, which Thorn found complemented the facial scar quite nicely. "If you want to make a thorough examination, feel free."
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Izzy walked over, placing a hand on his shoulder. "I was so worried, why didn't you wake me before you left?! I would at least like to know when you leave so I don't worry that someone took you!"

She was looking at him with obvious worry for his well-being. She didn't like worrying about him, she knew he had taken care of himself in the past but still.

"Are you okay?" She asked after taking a deep breath.
"I thought medical examinations were my job now." He would smirk, having caught up with the two. He walks a short way to the side, his legs making whirring noises with each step through the corridor. Now that he's away from the kid in his office, he can finally light up. He pulls the cigarette from his pocket once more, and his mask slides up on a hinge, revealing his jaw to the girls. He bites the filter between his teeth then hoists a lighter to the stick's tip, igniting it, and then taking a deep, slow breath. "I noticed that my energy reserves are running low. Been looking to get some food. Thought that since the two of you aren't either mopey or think of me as some sort of horrid beast, that you'd be willing to come along to grab a bite."
Sarah's face reddened even more as she finally noticed the parts of the EVA suit visible through the breaks of her clothes, "Oh, you seem....nice...uh...". Beaumonts question provided a needed distraction, "Yeah, sure, sounds great. Thorn what about you? Dinner?"

Neera walked over to lay on the floor next Jack.

Jack looked to his pregnant wife, "Honey he couldn't sleep, and I can understand, but Amit you need to not go off by yourself. You worry your mother and I when you do. And Beaumont's ok, he's one of us, give him a chance. He's had to undergo physical changes as well, and anyone who becomes a full conversion don't usually go to that unless it wasn't anything pleasant. I served with a man who was the same, and I knew him before he got the body, landmines are a bitch that way."
Tacticus sighed, glancing away as Jack paid his words no mind. Sure he had Izzy to worry about as well as Amit but...come on. Conversation 101 basically. Wrapping his wings around himself, he started to take a few steps back out into the hall. Might as well as leave them alone. Course he still had to get past the two girls and the cyborg man.

"You were asleep, why should I wake you up if I can't sleep and just want to be elsewhere at the time?" Amit questioned, admitting part of his reason for leaving the house. "I'm fine....I still don't trust em."
"I can stand to eat. Just save room for dessert, yea?" Another flashed smirk from Thorn as she reached out to tap Sarah on the nose. Rolling out of her arms was as simple as a sharp twist of Thorn's hips and she landed mid step. This was about the time the littler one started sauntering forward with a distinct sway to the hips and a flirty smirk stuck on her face. "Hey, Medic, you got another of those coffin nails?"
Izzy looked at Amit, slightly exasperated, "It lets me know you haven't been kidnapped, that you're just off exploring and such. It cuts my worry down, at least a little."

She looked up at Jack, "Did he come straight here or what?" She knew Jack had stayed at work the night before so she knew that there was no way that he'd taken Amit with him.
"Nails for your coffin. You probably still have lungs." He chuckles, whipping out a second cig and a lighter in a single fluid motion before offering them to the girl. He overheard that she's not a child, so he could trust her with at least one of 'em. On the side of the zippo-styled lighter, the logo of a Funky city bar is visible - that of a robotic woman clad in a skintight version of the Nepleslian military uniform. He takes another puff, but he's sure to blow it away from either of them. Don't wanna be rude. Save the puffing in someone's face for when he's pissed.

"So. You two have probably had a better chance to look around than I have. Know anywhere good?' He'd look over thorn herself. Small in stature and with a face more scarred than a battlefield. But not half bad. Probably not into guys. Especially ones missing... nearly everything. "I probably passed by a lot of places here, but I was too busy just finding this damned place."
"Yes I've been here for a couple months now living with my brother. There's a decent restaurant in Nath tower. Though if we're going there, I'm going to stop by the house to change." Sarah said trying to not stare at Thorn.

"Bring me back a steak bone, or something.......please?" Neera asked, "The other places only server the synthetic shit."

Jack over heard the three talking, "Sounds like a good idea, I need more than booze to keep me going. Tacticus, you coming? Also Sarah you riding with me, or you and Thorn can ride together. If we need to I can take several in my jeep but I gotta change as well."
"I came here, since everyone said he was here." Amit replied, pointing to Jack.

"Eh...s..sure." Tacticus said as he paused and looked back at Jack. "i just need to go change clothes."
Thorn was quiet for a moment, taking advantage of Beaumont's offered cigarette and lighter. Handing the lighter back, she sighed. "I don't have much in the way of clothes. Barely a tee shirt and my BDUs. If you guys are gonna change, I need to get into my cargo pod and get something other than an EVA suit." She shrugged, noting that Sarah was still rather pink around the cheeks, and smiled inwardly.

I am gonna reduce that girl to incoherent squeaking. She looks younger than me.
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Izzy nodded at Amit, "Fine, just make sure one of us knows where you are, okay?"

She then smiled at Tacticus, "Glad you'll be joining us. I'll have to change too so I guess quite a few of us will."

She had been too worried and distracted to notice that she had ended up here in her pajamas, red and white pants and a grey t-shirt. She now realized that she probably should have changed before she left the house.
"I know how that feels." He grumbles. "All I got are t-shirts, jeans, and lab coats. Don't really have a reason to have anything else. I never go anywhere fancy anyways." Beaumont snaps the lighter closed and stuffs it in his pocket, puffing his cigarette a couple more times. "All of my clothes are back on my ship, anyways." He shrugs. "But I doubt it would be very noticeable if I button up one of the coats up to my throat. Uncomfortable, but still looking decently formal."
Jack walked towards the hallway which lead to the exit, "Alright everyone, pile in the jeep, cuz all aboard who's going aboard. First house then eats."

Sarah looked back to Thorn as they began to follow, "I can see if anything of mine fits you. I live with Jack at the same house, so not a problem. As for Beaumont, I would suggest Jack's wardrobe but he doesn't have any dress clothes that aren't military uniforms."

"I resent that, I have a dress shirt. It counts!", Jack shouted back.

Neera would remain behind.
"I can almost guarantee that you have nothing that fits me, considering you're six foot and a D cup and I'm... Well." Thorn grinned, gesturing to her body that would still be loose wearing some children's sizes. A quick puff on her smoke and a grin as she started towards the jeep. "Eighty five pounds of hot."

Knowing that line probably went sideways, she scrambled to salvage it. "I mean, we can always see. If you want a fasion show, I can always try on something special for you."
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"Plus, just imagine the kind of bullshit I'd have to make up if I'm wearing one of those things and I have a full-conversion body. They'd get their hopes up expecting a badass war story only to find that I lost this body in a car accident. By the way, word of the wise, look both ways before crossing the street." He pauses for a sec before turning to look over at Jack, then Sarah. "This place we're going to... they have beer, right? I could use a good Mazrit Mead, or maybe a Ralfaris Boom. Hell, pure cleaning Alcohol would be nice right about now as well.
"Fine..." Amit muttered.

Tacticus gave a kind smile. He was glad to at least be included in some sort of way.

"I'm sure I have a better outfit than this." Tacticus said with a smile.
Sarah gave a slight smile before climbing in back of the jeeps bed, "Maybe, but lets get there first, besides I wear a lot of tight clothes."

Jack was already in the drivers seat, "Alright shotgun is reserved for wife, everyone else take what you can get."

The jeep thrummed to life and audio system started up as it did playing a rock song from the downloaded music library.
"Oh, tie my hands and threaten me with a good time!" Thorn clambered over the rear wheel before she realized that she wasn't exactly tall enough to really make a jump. Like some long running cosmic joke, she rolled over the jeep's frame and rolled casually into a comfortable spot leaning up against the rear tire.