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Who can approve my character's bio?


Founder & Admin
Staff Member
🌸 FM of Yamatai
🎖️ Game Master
🎨 Media Gallery
People who can approve your character bio:
  • Wes (All characters)
  • Yangfan (All characters)
  • Jake/Doshii Jun (All characters)
  • Fred/Kotori (All characters)
  • Andrew (All characters)
  • Tiffany (Lorath characters only)
  • Tom (Nepleslian characters only)
  • Sekiko (Elysian characters only)
  • Thomas (Elysian characters only)
For the Character Creation Guide, go here:
https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=cr ... _character

1. Unless you have an approved character biography in this forum for your character, your character cannot be introduced into the role-play.

2. If your character is already in use as part of a role-play plot and doesn't have a character biography in this forum, you are wrong. Until that character has a bio posted here, he/she is considered an NPC and a story GM or site GM can take control of that character as desired and kill him/her off without the original player/creator's permission.

3. GMs should avoid killing off player characters who have bios in this forum, or non-player characters being used for plots by other GMs. If two story GMs have a dispute over character control or death, they should defer to the site GM (Wes) for judgement.

4. If your PC's bio is hanging around in the approved forum and your character [or you see someone else's that] is dead or inactive, then let me know so I can move it to the archived biographies section. The approved biographies forum is for living, active characters.

Doshii Jun said:
Due to the lack of completeness on the Thaxarian race, as well as the absence of the original creator, no player is allowed to have a Thaxarian character. Please reconsult the CCG and modify the race of your character as needed.

If you require help or have questions on what to switch to, feel free to ask any of the moderator staff.


Thomas has approval rights for Elysians, correct?
And don't I have approval rights for Nairan - assuming Thomas and I actually manage to finish our current little story arc, at least?
Nairan is not a species.